Make guarded sections of code that won't run concurrently and queue instead
This module allows guarded sections of code to be made that execute exclusively in the order they're called.
Similar to node-synchronized, but uses Promises and includes Flow type declarations.
This project exports the synchd
and synchdFn
functions. If you're using an
ES6 compiler, you can access them like this:
import {synchd, synchdFn} from 'synchd';
Or you can access the functions through the classic CommonJS style:
var synchd = require('synchd');
// synchd.synchd(...)
// synchd.synchdFn(...)
synchd(scopeKey, fn)
may be any object and it's used as the lock. No other synchd calls
with the same scopeKey given will be run at the same time; they will be queued
in-order to run after. fn
is a function which takes no arguments and must
return a Promise.
This call returns a Promise that resolves to the same value that the Promise
returned by fn
resolves to.
synchdFn(scopeKey, fn)
This is a convenience function for creating functions that are entirely wrapped in a synchd call with a single scopeKey.
has the same meaning as above. fn
is a function that may take
arguments and must return a Promise.
This call returns a function with the same signature as fn
. All arguments
passed to the function will be passed on to fn
when it gets executed, and the
returned Promise will resolve to the value of the Promise that fn
Here's an example of defining a single function which can't be running multiple times concurrently. This example assumes you're using a compiler which supports async/await.
import {synchdFn} from 'synchd';
import delay from 'pdelay';
const exclusiveFunction = synchdFn({}, async (x) => {
console.log(`exclusiveFunction(${x}) started`);
await delay(100);
console.log(`exclusiveFunction(${x}) ending`);
return x+1;
// The following will be printed:
// exclusiveFunction(5) started
// exclusiveFunction(5) ending
// exclusiveFunction(6) started
// exclusiveFunction(6) ending
Both TypeScript and Flow type definitions for this module are included! The type definitions won't require any configuration to use.