Module to synchronise a file or directory in Google Drive with the local file system
Sync GDrive
This is a library to allow you to synchronise a file or directory in Google Drive with the local file system. Currently this solution provides a one way sync from Google Drive to the local file system.
This code was orginally developped for the maison-notman-house API server, but it was felt that it would have more value as module that could be used by other projects.
The orginal solution had been created with the idea of using Google Drive as a simple CMS and then periodically synchronising the specified folder with the local file system, for use with the running API server.
This current version is written in Typescript and leverages async/await internally.
WARNING Before using, note that any files or folders in your local sync folder will be overwitten, so ensure you start with an empty folder.
// Regular JS
const gdriveSync = require('sync-gdrive');
const keyConfig = {
clientEmail: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL,
privateKey: process.env.GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY
const options = {};
await syncGDrive(fileOrFolderId, destFolder, keyConfig, options);
// Typescript
import syncGDrive, { IKeyConfig } from 'sync-gdrive';
const keyConfig: IKeyConfig = {
clientEmail: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL,
privateKey: process.env.GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY
const options = {};
await syncGDrive(fileOrFolderId, destFolder, keyConfig, options);
fileOrFolderId id of directory or file on Google Drive
destFolder local folder that should be synchronised. Note any existing files in this folder will be wiped if they don't correspond to something upstream.
keyConfig Your key generated from the Google API console.
options optional parameter, allowing for tweaking of certain functionality:
- verbose: if true displays debug info (default: false)
- callback: callback when a file is synced (default: undefined)
- docsFileType: file type to use when exporting a Google Doc (default: docx )
- sheetsFileType: file type to use when exporting a Google Sheet (default: xlsx)
- slidesFileType: file type to use when exporting Google Slides (default: pptx)
- fallbackGSuiteFileType: file type to use when exporting other GSuite files (default: pdf),
- abortOnError: whether to abort on an error,
- logger: logger to use in verbose mode, must have support for debug, warn and error functions
- sleepTime: Rate limiter. How long to wait, in milleseconds, after downloading a file. (default: 500)
- supportAllDrives: whether the requesting application supports both My Drives and shared drives. If false, then shared drive items are not included in the response
- includeItemsFromAllDrives: whether shared drive items should be included in results. If not present or set to false, then shared drive items are not returned
Further reading:
There is now a basic CLI, so you can use this package without needing to integrate it into a JS application first. You can install it either globally (assuming a Unix type environment):
npm install -g sync-gdrive
export GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL="xxxxxx"
export GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY="xxxxxx"
sync-gdrive "filefolderid" "dest_folder"
or if you already installed it as a dependency of your project:
export GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL="xxxxxx"
export GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY="xxxxxx"
./node_modules/.bin/sync-gdrive "filefolderid" "dest_folder"
Targeted environments
This project will not work in the browser, due to dependencies on the file system.
Targeted node.js versions are 18+ .
Contributions & Feedback
Contributions and feedback is welcome. Please open a ticket in the issue tracker for the project on GitHub
- Andre John Mas
Licensed using the MIT license. See: