`yarn add sxy-standard`
sxy-standard - JS Standard Library
yarn add sxy-standard
to import all core functions:
import 'sxy-standard'
to import everything functions:
import 'sxy-standard/all'
--pure ( The functions changes no data, only returning a result, and will give the same result every time with the same set of arguments ) --no-side-effects ( The functions changes no data, only returning a result, but may not give the same result each time with the same set of arguments ) --side-effects ( ) --deterministic ( ) --non-deterministic ( )
to import only object functions:
import 'sxy-standard/objects.js'
--pure Map an object to a new object. Keys are preserved. See
In: object, function(key, value, orginialObject) => newValue Out: object { a: 1, b: 3 }, (key, value) => value * 3 ) ) // returns { a: 3, b: 9 }
--pure Map an object to a new object, with the ability to change keys.
In: object, function(key, value, orginialObject) => [newKey, neyValue] Out: object { a: 1, b: 3 }, (key, value) => [key + key, value * 3] ) ) // returns { aa: 3, bb: 9 }
--pure Reduce an object into a single value or item. See Array.prototype.reduce
In: object, function(key, value, orginialObject) => compositeValue, initialCompositeValue Out: "compositeValue" as returned by the function
Object.reduce( { a: 1, b: 3 }, (composite, key, value) => composite + value ), 0 ) // returns 4
--pure Run a function for each item in the object. Note that the key and value arguments passed to the callback are in the opposite order. Think of arrays as being value orientied, but key being important in objects. See Array.prototype.forEach
Note: I recommend using Assoc instead. This has the benefit of avoiding confusion over argument ordering.
In: object, function(key, value, originalObject) => void Out: void
Object.forEach( { a: 1, b: 3 }, (key, value) => console.log(${key}: ${value}
) )
// logs:
// a: 1
// b: 33
--pure Alias to lodash.cloneDeep. Clones the object including deep objects. This allows truly coping an object where a tool like the spread operator would fail due to only copying the first level of childrens, while inheriting references to the original inner contents. See
Object.clone exists as an alias for Object.copy Object.deepClone exists as an alias for Object.copy
Object.clone( { a: 1, b: 3 } ) // returns a new object { a: 1, b: 3 } // see the description above for more information
to import only Assoc:
import 'sxy-standard/assoc.js'
Assoc is a class of iterable object / associative array.
It is identical to an ordinary object, except that it can be iterated with for ... of ...
const assoc = new Assoc({ a: 1, b: 3 })
for (const key of assoc) { console.log(key) } // logs // a // b
for (const [key, value] of assoc) { console.log(${key}: ${value}
) }
// logs
// a: 1
// b: 3
Compared to Object.entries()
const assoc = new Assoc({ a: 1, b: 3 }) for (const [key, value] of assoc)
is equivalent to:
const obj = { a: 1, b: 3 } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj))
to import only object functions:
import 'sxy-standard/promises.js'
--pure ( the promises passed may not be ) Return a promise that resolves when all promises passed complete, and returns an object populated with the results paired to the keys of the original promise object. See Promise.all
In: object { key: promise, ... }, Out: object { key: promiseResult, ... }
const promiseA = new Promise( (resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(1), 1000) ) const promiseB = new Promise( (resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(3), 2000) ) Promise.allObj( { a: promiseA, b: promiseB }, ).then ( results => /* do something */ ) // After 2 seconds the promise will complete and results will be { a: 1, b: 3 }
to import only util functions:
import 'sxy-standard/utils.js'
--pure Retuns the file location where the current script/function was called/loaded from. Functions passed in ignoredFunctions are ignored (if the current script/function was called from that function, calledFrom() will continue to find the previous call location). If passed, the number of calls specified in skip will be skipped, returning an earlier call location. Functions excluded in ignoredFunctions are not counted as skipped. Skipped calls are additional.
In: object { ignoredFunctions?: [function, ...], skip?: int } Out: sxy.calledFrom()
/extra - Extra Functions
yarn add sxy-standard
to import all extras:
import 'sxy-standard/extra'
Extra / Web
to import only extra/web functions:
import 'sxy-standard/extra/web.js'
--pure Takes a web path such as /home/ and standardizes it. Leading slashes are added, trailing slashes are removed
In: string Out: string
'' -> '/' '/' -> '/' '//' -> '/' '///' -> '//' ( ! ) '/home/' -> '/home' 'index.html' -> '/index.html'