React UI for [Kiali](https://github.com/kiali/swscore).
:toc: macro :toc-title:
toc::[] = SWS UI image:https://coveralls.io/repos/github/swift-sunshine/swsui/badge.svg?branch=master[Coverage Status, link=https://coveralls.io/github/swift-sunshine/swsui?branch=master]
== Introduction
A UI for the Swift-Sunshine Istio Observability Project
== Technologies
- React.js
== Quick Start [source,shell]
npm install npm start
A new browser window should automatically open.
But, if it doesn't then use:
This launches a development environment that instantly reloads any changes to the browser for rapid development.
== Developing
When developing, is usual to run this application outside of https://github.com/swift-sunshine/swscore[swscore].
Is possible to proxy the API requests without having to push the changes to swscore.
Add the https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/template/README.md#proxying-api-requests-in-development[proxy]
property to package.json
with the url of the swscore.
[source, json]
{ "name": "swsui", "version": "0.2.1", "proxy": "http://sws-istio-system.", "bugs": { ...
Run npm start
and try it!
[source, bash]
$ curl -u jdoe:password http://localhost:3000/api Namespaces: [default istio-system kube-public kube-system myproject openshift openshift-infra openshift-node]
Namespace: default Services [docker-registry kubernetes router]
Service Name: docker-registry Service Labels: docker-registry = default Type: ClusterIP ...
WARNING: The proxy will only serve requests without the text/html accept header, using the browser directly won't work.
== Production Builds
Use npm run build
which will bundle the build artifacts using webpack into the build
== Directory Structure
: Source and test codesrc/assets
: Images and other assetssrc/components
: Stateless components (pure functions)src/pages
: Top level pages and nested componentsstories
: Storybook filesbuild
: Production build outputpublic
: home of index.html
== Styling
PatternFly is the main UI components framework. It defines style based on SASS preprocessor.
All Patternfly build assets are copied to src
. The App.scss
file will include all PatternFly Sass along with
PatternFly React Sass extensions. Once Sass compiles, the resulting CSS can be found in src/css/App.css
Only static assets which are import
'ed into your application will be included in your resulting build output.
== Testing To run the tests: [source,shell]
npm test
Note: for OS/X users testing requires watchman to be installed [source,shell]
brew install watchman
== For Storybook Components [source,shell]
npm run storybook http://localhost:6006
== General
This project was bootstrapped with https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app[create-react-app]
== License and Copyright See the link:./LICENSE[LICENSE file].