Express/Restify middleware for rate limiting
Nodejs middleware that manages rate limiting & request throttling. Uses the token bucket algorithm.
Creating a new limit returns a function handler that can easily be plugged into Restify and other frameworks that support the common (req, res, next)
middleware signature format.
Limits can be instance-specific or shared across multiple servers. See name and local options.
limiter = require('swn-rate-limiter');
redis: 'redis://localhost:6379',
appName: 'my-app',
verbose: true
var limit = limiter.createLimit({
key: (x) => {return 'global'},
rate: '50/s'
Uses the token bucket algorithm. For each key (request grouping), a bucket is created with full capacity. Each accepted request decrements the amount of tokens in the bucket. When the bucket is empty, requests are rejected.
The bucket is replenished by a fractional amount with each rejected request, function of the time elapsed since last update.
Creates a redis client and connects using provided connection string.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description --------|---------|-----------|------------- redis | String | no | redis connection string. Mandatory if using shared buckets. appName | String | no | An identifier for the app using the module. Defaults: "" logger | Object | no | logger object. Must expose debug/info/error methods. Default: console. verbose | Boolean | no | Default: false sns | Object | no | SNS configuration
To send SNS notifications upon throttling activated/lifted, the sns object must have the following properties:
- service: an SNS service object that exposes a publish(arn, subject, message) method
- arn: ARN of the topic to use
NB: Not specifying an appName will cause issues if multiple applications have limits with the same name and share the same redis server.
Creates a new rate limit. See Options for details.
Limit Options
Type: function
Mandatory: true
Returns the value for request grouping (e.g. IP, endpoint). The provided argument is the request object.
Return a constant for a global limit that applies to all requests.
Type: string
Mandatory: true
The rate to apply. Must be in the form number of requests slash time window. Time window can be a single unit, or a number and a unit for more complex rules.
Accepted time units: 's' (second), 'm' (minute), 'h' (hour), 'd' (day).
100/s: 100 requests per second
300/5min: 300 request every 5 minutes
Type: string
Mandatory: no (default: random string)
Limit identifier. If multiple limits share the same name, there will be a single bucket for them. So, limits that must apply cross-instances must have an explicit name, otherwise the random names will not match across instances.
On the other hand, instance-specific limits (e.g. max requests per server) must have a random name or set local to true.
Type: Boolean
Mandatory: no (default: false)
Whether to use a local or remote bucket. A local bucket is stored in-memory, and is not shared across instances. A remote bucket uses Redis as a backend store and can be shared.
Type: object
Mandatory: no (default: none)
Overwrites the global logger for this limit only.
Type: boolean
Mandatory: no (default: false)
Enable/disable verbose logging. Overwrites the global setting.