This is a cuatom script for the swiper slider
This is a custom swiper and still under beta.
Follow the codepen example - https://codepen.io/Beligammans/pen/vYXWyVO?editors=1010
- Use "custom-swiper-slide" class to enable the swiper
- Add data attribute as "data-name" and use unique names for each sliders, when you use the more swiper sliden on one page.
- Definde class name as "hide" and , use display none there.
- The "option" dev must me place according to the custom layout.
- "data-slides-per-view" --- default value is 1 and you can change this as you wanted.
- "data-slides-per-tablet" --- if you want to change the slide per view for the tablet(less 1120), you can use this.
- "data-slides-per-tablet-portrait" --- if you want to change the slide per view for the tablet(less 1024), you can use this.
- "data-slides-per-mobile" --- if you want to change the slide per view for the mobile(less 768), you can use this.
- "data-slide-effect" --- if you want to change the animation, you can use this and the by default the slide option is "slide" (you can find the other animations from swiper official site)..
- data-slide-autoplay" --- if you want to enable the auto play, you can use this and set the data value as "true"
- if you want the play pause button use the "toggle-play" class div inside the "option" dev.
- "data-device" --- if you want to enable the swiper as device wise, you can use this and by default this is apply for the all resalutions.
- if want to enable enable swiper for less than 1121 responsive, use the value as "tablet,mobile"
- if want to enable enable swiper for less than 7687 responsive, use the value as "mobile"
- "data-speed" --- you can use this attruibute to change the slideing speed.
- "data-delay" --- you can use this attruibute to change the delay speed.
- "data-parallax" --- if you want to enable the parallax, you can use this and set the data value as "true"
- if you want to enable a separated play pause button click event, use the "separate-toggle" class on the "controller" dev tag.
- "data-slides-per-group" you can change the group option and this is by default 1.
- "data-loop-fill-group-with-blank" you can change the group type and by default this is false.
- "data-stop-focus="true" you can stop the autoplay, when the keyboard navigation.