A complete, fast and fun web game engine
SWGPU is a simple 2D/3D game library written in TypeScript and powered by the latest web APIs. It offers an easy and complete way to create classic games in a non-opinionated but recommanded coding style. From the start, we chose to embrace the future with pure WebGPU 3D rendering pipeline as the name suggests. Below the stack we've choice for this work: | API | Domain | Description | |:---------:|:----------:|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WebGPU | 3D | A modern 3D graphics API designed to provide high-performance rendering and compute capabilities directly in web browsers. | | Canvas2D | 2D | A 2D graphics API designed to provide shapes, text, and images drawing. | | CSS3 | UI | The best way to build powerful and hightly maintenable user-interface. | | Web Audio | Sound | An Audio API for playing sounds. | | Rapier3D | 3D Physics | Fast 3D physics engine. | | Rapier2D | 2D Physics | Fast 2D physics engine. |
Table of content
- Getting started
- Features
- Examples
- Compatible tools
- Blender Plugin
- Contributors
- Some parts taken for this work
- Changelog
Getting started
Clone and install the starter-kit from this repository:
# git clone https://github.com/jay19240/SWGPU-StarterKit.git
# cd SWGPU-StarterKit
# npm install
# npm run dev
Edit the ''src/game_screen'' and start writing your game. Go to http://localhost:5173.
🧱 Core
- Maths
- Tweening
- Events
- Curves
- Quaternions
- Object pooling
👾 2D
- Static sprite
- Animated sprite
- Isometric animated tilemap
- Orthographic animated tilemap
- Particles
- Rendering filters
- Motion lines
📐 2D Physics
- BoundingRect
- Tilemap box collider with slopes support
- Rapier2D
🧊 3D
- Debug shapes
- Static mesh
- Animated mesh
- Static sprite
- Animated sprite
- Motion lines
- Billboarding
- Cubemap skybox
- Particules
- Flares
- Fog
- Vertex colorization
- Decals
- Shadow mapping
- Shadow volume
- Multi-viewport
- Camera orbit
- Camera WASD
- Auto mipmap
- Post rendering (gbuffers: depth/normal/ids)
- Rendering filters
- Customizable shaders
📐 3D Physics
- BoundingBox
- BoundingCylinder
- Walkmesh
- Hitmesh
- Ray-testing
- Rapier3D
💥 3D Material
- Phong reflection model
- Displacement texture map
- Displacement texture scrolling
- Diffuse map
- Specular map
- Emissive map
- Normal map
- Env map
- Toon map
- Texture scrolling
- Animated UV
- Specular shininess
- Emissive intensity
- Normal intensity
- Facing blending
🌞 3D Light
- Directional light
- Point lights (max : 64)
- Spot lights (max: 16)
🖼️ 3D Post-processing
- Outline
- Hardware dithering
- Pixelation
- Color depth limiting
🎮 Input
- Action mapping
- Gamepad, keyboard and mouse support
🧠 AI
- A* for 2D/3D with graph and grid
- Djikstra graph
- Min-max with alpha-beta pruning
📺 Screen
- Navigate between different view of your game
- Resources pre-loading
📜 Scripts
- Load script from json file
- Register async command function and call-it from json file
- Manual jump to part of the script
🔊 Sound
- Handle sounds by groups
- Play multiple sounds at same time
🌳 Tree
- 2D binary space partition
- 3D binary space partition
🎨 UI
- Focus/unfocus widgets
- Fade in/out
- Widget architecture
🖍️ UI Widgets
- Dialog + choices
- Dialog only
- Print long text
- Description list
- Virtual keyboard
- Slider
- Menu base
- Menu list view
- Menu text
- Prompt
- Sprite
- Text
- ECS architecture implementation
This framework come with 16 common game templates and 9 utils templates.
Each one is thinking to represent a common game style like platformer, fighting, fps or rpg.
Template are written in typescript/javascript and build to be clean and extensible.
List of templates that you can test here:
- 3D Pre-rendered
- 3D Isometric
- 2D Visual Novel
- 2D Tilemap
- 2D Tilemap (with pathfinding)
- 2D Checker (extendable)
- 2D Trading Carding Game
- 3D FPS
- 3D Turn-based RPG
- 2D Fight
- 2D Triple Triad
- 2D Tilemap Isometric
- 2D Background Isometric
- 2D Shoot'em up
- 3D Third Person Camera
- 2D Platformer
List of examples:
- 3D Curve
- 3D Particles
- 3D Performance Test
- 3D Rapier
- 3D Shadow Map
- UI Menu
- 3D Viewer
- 3D Menu Ring
- 3D Pack
Compatible tools
- Asesprite
- Tilekit
- SpriteFusion
- Blender
Blender plugin
Download the exporter here.
Install it on Blender by going to Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons -> Install... -> Select the zip.
Push "n", and click on WarmeY2K Exporter to see the exportation panel.
Please, before export check if:
- Your Blender scene is saved.
- You've set the output path in the right panel -> output -> output path.
Click on the mesh and select Export JSM.
Congratulation, your static mesh is now exported !
- Crisxzu - Contribute to the Wiki, typedoc converter and Triple Triad demo.
- zuda - Contribute to Triple Triad demo.
- luciedefraiteur - Contribute to the fog.
- thetinyspark - Contribute to the binary space partition.
- Impre-visible - Contribute to 2D tutorial.
Some parts taken for this work
- DOM for UI elements
- CanvasRenderingContext2D for 2D stuffs
- Rapier for both 2D and 3D physics engine
- No glTF support, we don't want to support the rendering techniques used by this format (BSDF, Skinning, etc...)
Todo (no-delay)
- Add frames on JNM
- [Ver. 1.6.5] Scroll added on main textures.
- [Ver. 1.6.5] Secondary texture added.
- [Ver. 1.6.5] Dissolve texture added.
- [Ver. 1.6.0] Tile slope support added.
- [Ver. 1.6.0] Spritefusion support re-added.
- [Ver. 1.6.0] Aseprite support added.
- [Ver. 1.6.0] Tilekit support added.
- [Ver. 1.5.0] Pack archivage added.
- [Ver. 1.5.0] New mesh shader hook added.
- [Ver. 1.5.0] Engine manager added.
- [Ver. 1.5.0] ECS Components check optimized with the use of Set.
- [Ver. 1.5.0] ECS query is added.
- [Ver. 1.5.0] ECS nice sugar methods is added.
- [Ver. 1.5.0] Fix offset factor on all sprite classes.
- [Ver. 1.5.0] Tile collision method added to Gfx2TileMap.
- [Ver. 1.5.0] Platformer template added.
- [Ver. 1.2.0] Binary format for 3D files added.
- [Ver. 1.1.14] Tilemap SpriteFusion format added.
- [Ver. 1.1.13] Cylinder collision class added.
- [Ver. 1.1.12] Fix and optimize jnm.
- [Ver. 1.1.10] Some added to fps demo.
- [Ver. 1.1.7] Mipmap added.
- [Ver. 1.1.5] Export as npm module added.
- [Ver. 1.1.1] Outline post-process effect added.
- [Ver. 1.1.1] Normals, id and depth rendering buffer added.
- [Ver. 1.1.1] Object pooling added.
- [Ver. 1.1.0] Move physics to dedicated folder and redesign JNM.
- [Ver. 1.1.0] Rapier has been added.
- [Ver. 1.0.3] Playstation one post-process effect has been added.
- [Ver. 1.0.3] Post-processing effects has been added.
- [Ver. 1.0.3] Camera WASD has been added.
- [Ver. 1.0.3] Camera orbit has been added.
SWGPU is released under the MIT license.