A module to convert swagger 2.0 specs to Postman Collection Format v2
Converter for swagger 2.0 JSON to Postman Collection v2 Exports the following functions:
validate(JSON-or-string): Formats like RAML/cURL don't have a JSON representation. For others, JSON is preferred. The result should be an object: {result: true/false, reason: 'string'}
. Reason must be populated if the result is false. This function will be used by the app to determine whether or not this converter can be used for the given input.
convert(JSON-or-string): Converts the input to a collection object. Conversion result should be an object: {result: true/false, reason: '', output:[{type: 'collection', data: <object>}]
Reason must be populated if the result is false. Collection must be populated if result is true.
Conversion Schema
| Postman | Swagger2 | options | examples |
| --- | --- | :---: | :---: |
| collectionName | info.title | - | - |
| description | info.description | - | - |
| folderName | paths.path | - | - |
| requestName| method.summary || method.operationId || request.url.raw(in postman) | default('operationId') -(requestName
) enum[['operationId','summary','url'] | - |
| request.method | path.method (all possible http methods
) | - | - |
| request.headers | params (in = header
) | - |here|
| request.body | params (in = body or formBody
) | default(true)-(schemaFaker
)use json-schema-faker for body conversion | here |
| request.url.raw | scheme(http or https) + '://' + host + basePath | - | - |
| request.url.params | params (in = query
)| - | here |
| request.url.variables | params (in = path
) | - | here |
| Content-Type header | consumes | default(true) - add consumes to header | - |
| Accept header | produces | default(true) - add produces to header | - |
| apikey in (query or header) | securityDefinitions(type = apiKey
) | - | - |
Header/Query/Path param conversion example
| swagger | postman | | --- | --- | | name: api-key description: session tokenin: headertype: integerdefault: defaultValue |{ "key": "api-key", "value": defaultValue, "description": "session token"}|
Body param conversion example
If in = body
| swagger | postman | | --- | --- | |name: role-iddescription: role identifier numberin: bodyschema: <schemaObject>|"body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": json-schema-faker(<schemaObject>)}|
If in = formData
and consumes = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
| swagger | postman | | --- | --- | |name: role-iddescription: role identifier numberin: formDatadefault: defaultValue|"body": { "mode": "urlencoded", "urlencoded": [{ "key": "role-id", "value": defaultValue, "type": "text", }]}|
All parmas with above condition are added to urlencoded array.
If in = formData
and consumes = multipart/form-data
| swagger | postman | | --- | --- | |name: role-iddescription: role identifier numberin: formDatadefault: defaultValue|"body": { "mode": "formdata", "formdata": [{ "key": "role-id", "value": defaultValue, "type": "text", }]}|
All parmas with above condition are added to formdata array.