Welcome to the SVG Icons Sprite Generator and Publisher template! This template is designed to generate SVG sprite icons using the [react-svg-sprite-generator]( library and then publish them as an n
SVG Icons Sprite Generator & Publisher Example Template
Welcome to the SVG Icons Sprite Generator and Publisher template! This template is designed to generate SVG sprite icons using the react-svg-sprite-generator library and then publish them as an npm module.
Generated documentation: Your GitHub pages link
Published npm module: svg-icons-sprite-example
Automatic generation of SVG sprite icons.
Documentation generation for the SVG sprite.
Automated version bumping.
Compilation of TypeScript.
Publication to npm registry.
Continuous Deployment to GitHub Pages for documentation.
How It Works
Upon a push to the master branch or when triggered manually from the GitHub Actions tab, the tool performs the following:
- Sets up the required Node.js environment.
- Generates the SVG sprite icons and the associated documentation.
- Bumps the npm package version.
- Compiles any TypeScript code.
- Publishes the updated npm package.
- Deploys the generated documentation to GitHub Pages.
Getting Started
Creating your repository from a template:
Setting Up NPM Access Token
For publishing packages to the npm registry, you need to authenticate your GitHub Actions workflow with npm. This can be achieved by using an NPM_TOKEN. Here's how you can set it up:
1. Generating the NPM Token
- Login to npm: Go to and log in to your account.
- Create a new token: Once logged in, click on your profile picture at the top right and select Auth Tokens from the dropdown.
- Click on Create New Token.
- Choose the Read and Publish permission level to give the token both read and publish rights. This will allow your GitHub Action to publish packages on your behalf.
- Click on Create Token.
- Copy your token: Once created, you'll see your new token. Make sure to copy this immediately! For security reasons, you will not be able to see the token again.
2. Adding the NPM Token to GitHub
- Go to your GitHub repository: Navigate to your GitHub repository where you're running the workflow.
- Settings: Click on the Settings tab of the repository.
- Secrets: On the left sidebar, click on Secrets.
- Click on the New repository secret button.
- Enter name NPM_TOKEN and value (Paste the token you copied from npm)
- Click on Add secret.
NPM_TOKEN is now set up. Your GitHub Actions workflow can use this token by referencing ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}, as shown in your .github/workflows/githubpages.yml file.
Update svg files
Place your SVG icons in the src/assets/icons directory. Upon pushing to the master branch, the SVG sprite and documentation will be generated, and the module will be updated on npm with a new version.
Customizing the
Adjusting the Template:
The file in this repository is dynamically generated. The content is primarily sourced from the file. If you want to make changes to the introductory part or the general documentation of the README, you should make edits to this template file.
SVG Icons Table:
At the end of the file, a table containing the list of generated SVG icons is automatically appended. This provides an organized and visual representation of all the SVG icons that are available in the sprite.
How to Update:
If you add, remove, or modify SVG icons in the src/assets/icons directory, the table in the file will be updated automatically upon pushing to the master branch.
In essence, to adjust the primary content of the, modify the file. For changes to the list of SVG icons, simply update the icons in the specified directory, and the table in the README will reflect these changes after the workflow runs.
List of icons
| Source | Name | Path |
| | ARROWS_BOTTOM | arrows/bottom.svg |
| ARROWS_LEFT | arrows/left.svg |
| ARROWS_RIGHT | arrows/right.svg |
| ARROWS_TOP | arrows/top.svg |