SvelteKit-powered toolchain for publishing websites from Markdown files.
[WIP] sveltekit-template
SvelteKit-powered toolchain for publishing websites from Markdown files.
The goal is to enable static site publishing possible with a minimum of boilerplate and configuration.
A typical project contains just a package json, and a tree of markdown files.
This library provides:
- A preconfigured SvelteKit app with a Vite dev server and build
- SvelteKit static adapter
- Tailwind CSS, and the Tailwind typography plugin
- TypeScript
Inspiration for the developer experience and implementation comes from VitePress. The main achitectural difference is that the UI continues to render markdown dynamically in the browser, without running a dev server.
This makes it possible to embed a static bundle in other language frameworks e.g. in a python module, and continue to enjoy instant-preview of the rendered UI.
{npm,pnpm,yarn} install -D sveltekit-template
The built-in pub
command delegates to vite
pub command [project-root]
command is one of
- dev
- build
- preview
defaults to the current working directory
- Document custom config, ts limitations
- Package to initialize a project with
npm create zaui@latest
- Nice docs sidebar
- head section: title, meta og header tags
- generated redirects
- generated sitemap.xml and robots.txt
- In-page TOC and ids for markdown headers
- analytics