A [Svelte]( preprocesor that allows escaping content within components or elements. In simpler terms: this lets you open a compiler escape hatch to render Svelte code within Svelte components. This is particularly useful
A Svelte preprocesor that allows escaping content within components or elements. In simpler terms: this lets you open a compiler escape hatch to render Svelte code within Svelte components. This is particularly useful for displaying example Svelte code (or whatever else you might want) within code blocks.
IMPORTANT: The implementation here is pretty rough/experimental, hasn't been significantly dogfooded or tested, and was designed only to solve something within my own particular problem space. This may work reasonably well for you -- or not at all.
npm install svelte-preprocess-escape --save-dev
Or, if you're using Yarn:
yarn add svelte-preprocess-escape --dev
Basic Usage Example
// svelte.config.js
import escape from 'svelte-preprocess-escape' // the preprocessor is default-exported
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
// If using svelte-preprocess, ensure `escape()` precedes it in the
// preprocessor list
preprocess: [escape(), preprocess()],
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
target: '#svelte'
<!-- component.svelte -->
<h1>Regular Old Markup</h1>
<code escape-content>
<script lang="ts">
const f = () => {
return true
<style lang="scss">
a {
color: red;
In this example, since the escape-content
attribute is present on the <code>
element, the content therein will simply render as text, maintaining any indendation (thanks to <pre>
). The preprocessor automatically dedents the content, so it renders as you'd expect.
Note that the preprocessor will simply ignore any nested instances of elements or components marked with escape-content
, so there's no option to nest within them, nor is there an option to break out of them.
You can supply a few options as an object to the exported function:
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| tag | string | escape-content | The attribute name to supply. E.g., |
| extensions | string[] | ['.svelte'] | The file extensions the preprocessor will be available to act on |
| highlighter | function | | An optional highlighter function, useful for performing code highlighting on the escaped contents. Must conform to the signature (code: string, filename?: string) => string
This project uses the built-in packaging functionality of SvelteKit to generate the package code. To build outside of the usual package management environment:
git clone [email protected]:boatilus/svelte-preprocess-escape.git
cd svelte-preprocess-escape
npm install
npm package
This will produce a /package
directory containing the TypeScript source transpiled to JavaScript, as well as a TypeScript definition file.