<h1 align="center"> <img src="" alt="Svelte Kanban" height=60> <br> Svelte Kanban </h1>
A simple Svelte Kanban made in pure CSS
npm i svelte-kanban
import Kanban from 'svelte-kanban';
<div style="width:100%; height:100%;">
Full list of props/bindable variables for this component:
| name | default | description |
| :--------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| lang
| 'en' | String to specify the language of the kanban, only french and english supported atm (en
). |
| colsList
| ['Todo','Done']
| Array of string to define the default columns.|
| catsList
| [{'new',color:'white', bgColor:"#0A99FF"},{label:'important',color:'white',bgColor:"#EA0B38"},{label:'task',color:'black',bgColor:"#00F5DC"},{label:'personal',color:'white',bgColor:"#629387"},{label:'work',color:'black',bgColor:"#13F644"}]
| Array of objects (label:string, color:string, bgColor:string)
defining the categories available for the cards.|
| maxColumns
(unavailable yet) | 5
| Max number of columns the user can display on the kanban.|
| minimalist
(unavailable yet)| false
| Boolean, if set to true, the card will be minimalist version with only a title and a delete button.|
Styling props (update 08/03/2022 : AVAILABLE /!)
| name | default | description |
| :--------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| theme
| 'light' | string: specify the theme you want to used light/dark|
| primary
| null
| string : if you want to specify the primary background color (behind the kanbans columns / card background)|
| secondary
| null
| string : if you want to specify the secondary background color (kanbans columns)|
| third
| null
| string : if you want to specify the secondary background color (no usage atm)|
| fontPrimary
| null
| string : if you want to specify the primary font color (col title, card title)|
| fontSecondary
| null
| string : if you want to specify the secondary font color (cards count, new task, date text)|
dispatches the following events:
| name | detail | description |
| ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| columnRemove
| { position:number, name:string }
| Triggers when a column is removed. |
| columnAdd
| { position: number }
| Triggers when a column is added. |
| columnMoved
| { old_pos:number, new_pos:number }
| Triggers when a column is moved. |
| cardDragStart
| {card:number, col:number, event:Event}
| Triggers when a card start being dragged. col
= position of the column, card
= position of the card in the column, event
: mousedown event props |
| cardDragMove
| {card:number, col:number, event:Event}
| Triggers every time the card is moving (ie on every mousemove) |
| cardDragEnd
|{card:number, col:number, event:Event}
| Triggers when the dragging of the card ended.|
| cardDragSuccess
|{old_col:number, old_pos:number, new_col:number, new_pos:number}
| Triggers when the drop of the card is a success (ie : the card has been moved to another column).|
| cardDragFailed
|{col:number, card:number}
| Triggers when the drop of the card is a fail (ie : the card has not been moved and stayed in the origin column).|
| cardAdd
| Triggers when a card is added to a column.|
| cardPropModify
|{ card:number, col:number, prop:string, value:string}
| Triggers when a prop of a card is in edit mode.|
| cardPropSaved
|{ card:number, col:number, prop:string, value:string}
| Triggers when a prop of a card is saved.|
| moveCardUp
|{col:number, old_pos:number, new_pos:number}
| Triggers when a card is moved down inside a column.|
| moveCardDown
|{col:number, old_pos:number, new_pos:number}
| Triggers when a card is moved up inside a column.|
on:columnAdd={(e) => console.log('columnAdd', e)}
on:cardAdd={(e) => console.log('cardAdd', e}
on:columnAdd={(e) => alert(`You ${e.detail.type}ed '${e.detail.option.label}'`)}
on:cardDragStart={(e) => alert(`You are moving the card at the '${e.detail.option.label}' position on the column n° ${}`)}
Dev Mode
git clone
cd svelte-kanban
npm install
npm run dev