A simple autocomplete component for Svelte that fully supports RTL.
Svelte Complete
A simple autocomplete component for Svelte that fully supports RTL.
🔧 Installation
Work in progress.
❓ Usage
Minimalist Example
import Autocomplete from "svelte-complete";
let items = ["apple", "banana", "orange"];
let value;
<Autocomplete {items} bind:value="{value}" />
Component Properties
| Property Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
| displayField | string | When providing an object array displayField
will be used to determine which field in the object will be displayed in the suggestions list | Empty string
| highlightCharacters | "matched", or "unmatched" | Will highlight the matching/non matching characters based on the input | "matched"
| item | string[], or object[] | The list of items to be used by the autocomplete | Empty array
| noResultsMessage | string | The message to be displayed when no item matches the given input | "No results found"
| setItemsOnFocus | () => Promise<any[]> | A lambda that allows for setting the item array when the autocomplete component is focused instead of when it is instantiated | Returns an empty array
| sort | "ascend", "descend", or ((a: any, b: any) => number) | The sorting algorithm for the given items array, descend and ascend sorts only apply to a string array, for an objects array provide your own implementation | "ascend"
| textDirection | "auto", "ltr", or "rtl" | Use this property if you want to use the autocomplete in RTL mode, not required if parent's dir is set to "rtl" | "auto"
| value | string | The currently selected value | Empty string
Component CSS Variables
| CSS Variable Name | Description | Default Value |
| --autocomplete-active-suggestion-background-color | Sets background color for an active/hovered suggestion | rgb(115 115 115 / 0.2)
| --autocomplete-container-height | Sets the height for the autocomplete component | fit-content
| --autocomplete-container-width | Sets the width for the autocomplete component | fit-content
| --autocomplete-input-background-color | Sets the background color for the autocomplete input | rgb(250 250 250)
| --autocomplete-input-border-color | Sets the border color for the autocomplete input | rgb(115 115 115)
| --autocomplete-input-border-width | Sets the border width for the autocomplete input | 1px
| --autocomplete-input-icon-color | Sets the color for the icon in the input box | var(--autocomplete-text-color)
| --autocomplete-input-width | Sets the width for the input box | 100%
| --autocomplete-input-x-padding | Sets the x axis padding for the input box | 0.5rem
| --autocomplete-input-y-padding | Sets the y axis padding for the input box | 0.5rem
| --autocomplete-no-results-text--color | Sets the text color for the no results message | rgb(64 64 64)
| --autocomplete-suggestion-text-color | Sets the text color for a suggestion | var(--autocomplete-text-color)
| --autocomplete-suggestions-list-background-color | Sets the background color for the suggestions list | rgb(250 250 250)
| --autocomplete-suggestions-list-z-index | Sets the z-index for the suggestions list | 10
| --autocomplete-text-color | Sets the general text color for the autocomplete container | rgb(23 23 23)