Module for loading and processing SupercellSWF assets.
npm i supercell-swf
Module has been tested on the following platforms:
- Windows (x64)
- Linux (x64)
- Android (arm64, through Termux)
All of these platforms have prebuilds for the binary side. This means that module on these platforms will work out of the box, without the need to install additional tools.
Module API
Vectors and object constructor
To implement interaction of native environment objects from JS environment, a custom implementation of arrays was created. It does not include all functions and some functions work a little differently. But basic functions (and even a little more) for working with arrays of objects are still available.
- All functions that returned a new array in the built-in array now return this.
- Push function has also changed its behavior. It accepts an instance of an object of its type. If this object is not an instance, then a new object will be initialized, in constructor of which object will be passed, which will be passed to push function.
This is a generic type for objects that have IDs.
Objects of this type are:
- Shape
- TextField
- MovieClipModifier
- MovieClip
After importing the module, you will have access to an object that contains:
An enum that contains all compressed types that are supported
Types of compressions that are supported:
This object is needed to compress or get content from compressed Supercell files such as .sc or compressed .csv files.
Has 2 sub-objects for compression and decompression.
Decompresses the file at the specified path to cache folder, and returns path to decompressed file.decompress:
Accepts a buffer and returns decompressed contentcommonDecompress:
Accepts a file buffer, something like a compressed .csv
All functions in Compressor have as argument CompressionSignature which specifies what kind of compression file or buffer will have
- compressFile:
Compresses a file from specified file to another specified file with specified compression type.
Can accept a buffer for metadata to be inserted at the end of file. - compress:
Compresses a buffer with specified compression type and returns a compressed "SC" buffer.
It can also accept a buffer with metadata. - commonCompress: Compresses the buffer with the specified compression type and returns the compressed buffer without additional headers. Needed for .csv files.
This is the main class for loading .sc files.
It has variables:
- useExternalTexture:
Boolean which shows whether external "" texture will be saved - useMultiResTexture:
When this and useExternalTexture variable is enabled, creates a texture file with multiResSuffix and a lowres file with lowResSuffix, regardless of whether hasLowresTexture is enabled. - useLowResTexture:
Specifies whether file can automatically use lowres file. - multiResSuffix:
Suffix for MultiRes texture. - lowResSuffix:
Suffix for LowRes texture.
It contains vectors (arrays) of objects for:
- Export names
- MovieClips
- TextFields
- Shapes
- MatrixBanks
- MovieClipModifiers
- SWFTexture
About all these objects below
Export name is needed to point to some DisplayObject and specify its name for use outside the file area
It has variables:
- id: DisplayObject ID
- name name for DisplayObject
Enum for SWFTexture which describes pixel types from data buffer Has following types:
- RGB5_A1
- RGB565
- LUMINANCE8 A description of each type and how to read them can be easily found on internet.
Enum for SWFTexture which describes filters for textures Has following types:
Texture atlas that contains all sprites
It has variables:
- width
- height
- pixelFormat:
Uses PixelFormat enum to describe a pixel type - downscaling
- magFilter:
Uses Filter enum to describe filter type - minFilter
- data:
Buffer with image raw data
Enum for MovieClipModifier which describes modifier type Has following types:
- Mask: Means that the next element will be rendered as a mask-layer
- Masked:
Means that all elements after this modifier will be rendered as masked layers of the previous mask layer. - Unmasked: Marks the end of Masked modifier
Included as a render object for use in frames to "modify" them It has variables:
- type:
Uses ModifierType enum to describe type of modification.
Class for storing information about vertices in ShapeDrawBitmapCommand
It has variables:
- x
- y
- u
- v
Class for rendering a sprite from a texture
It has variables:
- textureIndex:
Index of texture from textures vector in SupercellSWF class It contains vector: - vertices:
Contains ShapeDrawCommandVertex objects
Command storage
It contains vector:
- commands:
Contains ShapeDrawBitmapCommand objects
Objects that store text properties
It has variables:
- text
- fontName
- fontColor
- fontSize
- fontAlign:
Maybe using bits to compactly fit some other boolean values - left
- top
- right
- bottom
- isBold
- isItalic
- isMultiline
- isOutlined
- outlineColor
- useDeviceFont
- autoAdjustFontBounds
It also has some unknown flags, they are just there to make sure some files are saved correctly - unknownFlag
- unknownShort
- unknownShort2
Object for placing matrices and color transformations. Needed to expand limit (UINT16_MAX) of transformations in file. It contains vectors:
- matrices: Array of Matrix2x3
- colorTransformations:
Vector of ColorTransofmation
Affine 2z3 matrix for transforming objects on screen
Manipulates color properties of an object on screen
Also known as "Movie Clip Bind". Needed to specify a "link" to another DisplayObject in a MovieClip It has variables:
- id
- blend:
index of blend mode - name: name of "link"
An object that describes number of MovieClipFrameElement that frame should use It has variable:
- elementsCount
- label
Object with object transformation and index to DisplayObjectInstance It has variables:
- instanceIndex:
index to DisplayObjectInstance - matrixIndex index to Matrix2x3 in MatrixBank
- colorTransformIndex index to ColorTransformation in MatrixBank
Storage for DisplayObjectInstance, MovieClipFrame, MovieClipFrameElement It has variables:
- frameRate:
frame per second - scalingGrid:
also known as 9-slice or nine-slice - matrixBankIndex:
Bank index in matrixBanks in SupercellSWF. Used to get transformations from MovieClipFrameElement
It contains vectors: - instances:
Array of DisplayObjectInstance (or binds) - frames:
Array of MovieClipFrame - frameElements:
Array of MovieClipFrameElement
Please note that the module may not build correctly on platforms where it has not been tested.
Before you begin, you will need to install the C++ build tools.
On Windows, you can do this by installing Visual studio.
On Linux, you can install the "build-essential" package.
First you need to clone this repository with command:
git clone
Then go to repo folder
cd SupercellSWF-JS
Update submodules
git subomodules update --remote
Run command
npm i --save-dev
If node-gyp and typescript are configured correctly, then after that JS side will be compiled and then native side.
Any questions?
For any questions or help, you can contact me using Discord: "Daniil SV#6571"