This is a lightweight extension of the html canvas, that allow you to draw and interact with shapes in a intuitive way.
Super canvas
This is a lightweight extension of the html canvas, that allow you to draw and interact with shapes in a intuitive way.
- draw shapes that update the canvas automatically when its properties are changed
- check if a point is over the shape
- get the closest point to the corner of the shape
how to use:
import { Surface } from "super-canvas"
const surface = Surface({
// optional parameters
w:800, // change canvas width
h:600, // change canvas height
canvas:myCanvas // use existing canvas, if is not passed a new canvas will be created
// you can access the canvas by using surface.canvas
var centerX = 800 / 2;
var centerY = 600 / 2;
const circle = surface.add({
// mandatory
type: "ellipse", // shape type (the required parameters vary for every shape type, most of the optional are valid to all shape types)
x: centerX, // X coordinate
y: centerY, // Y coordinate
w: 100, // width
h: 100, // height
// optional
backgroundColor: "#BF4F51", // background color
border: { // a border around the shape, just like the css border
thickness: 3, // thickness of the border
color: "black" // color of the border
layer: 2, // setting the layer property will tell which order the elements should be rendered
You can remove the element by calling;
You can remove all elements by calling;
All properties of the element, are available on the result object, and changing them will result on a canvas updated.
circle.x = 200
Each time you add or change a element will result in a canvas redraw, but you can instead use transaction, so when modifying or adding multiple things at once result on a single redraw.
// add or update shapes here
With any shape you can call this function to get if a point intersects with it.
You can also call this function to get the closest point to the edge of this shape.
const {x,y} = element.getClosestPoint({x:mouseX,y:mouseY})
More shapes
const text = surface.add({
// mandatory
type: "text", // shape type
text: "hello", // text
x:100, // X coordinate
y:200, // Y coordinate
// optional
font: "Arial", // font
fontSize: 50, // font size (pt)
verticalAlign: "center", // top | center | bottom
horizontalAlign: "center", // start | center | end
backgroundColor: "#BF4F51",
border: {
thickness: 3,
color: "black",
const square = surface.add({
// mandatory
type: "rect", // shape type
x: centerX-120, // X coordinate
y: centerY, // Y coordinate
w: 100, // width
h: 100, // height
// optional
backgroundColor: "#BF4F51", // background color
border: { // border
thickness: 3, // border thickness
color: "black", // border color
radius:10, // border radius just like the css border radius
const shape = surface.add({
// mandatory
type: "shape", // shape type
segments:[ // segments of the polygon
x: 300,
y: 20,
x: 400,
y: 100,
x: 500,
y: 20,
x: 400,
y: 50,
// optional
backgroundColor: "#BF4F51", //background color
border: { // border
thickness: 3, // border thickness
color: "black", // border color
const line = surface.add({
// mandatory
type: "line", // shape type
segments:[ // line segments
x: 300,
y: 100,
x: 400,
y: 200,
x: 500,
y: 100,
// optional
cap: "square",// line ends cap (square | round) default square
w:10 // width of the line
backgroundColor: "#BF4F51", // background color
border: { // border
thickness: 3, // border thickness
color: "black", // border color
const curve = surface.add({
// mandatory
type: "curve", // shape type
segments:[ // segments of the bezier curve
x: 20, // X coordinate
y: 20, // Y coordinate
hx: 100, // helper X coordinate
hy: 20, // helper Y coordinate
x: 100, // ...
y: 100,
hx: 100,
hy: 100,
// optional
cap: "square",// line ends cap (square | round) default square
w:10 // with of the line
backgroundColor: "#BF4F51", // background color
border: { // border
thickness: 3, // border thickness
color: "black", // border color
you can also draw a surface on another surface
const surface2 = Surface({w:800,h:600})
surface, // surface object
// mandatory
x:100, // X coordinate
y:100, // Y coordinate
// optional
w:800, // width
h:600 // height