A slightly opinionated Webpack plugin for generating static websites using React, React Router, and Redux.
Super Awesome Webpack Plugin
A slightly opinionated Webpack plugin for generating static websites using React, React Router & Redux.
- Currently only tested on node v6.3.1 & 7
- < 3.0.0
- Webpack 1
- Webpack 2
npm install --save-dev super-awesome-webpack-plugin
Require plugin & build config
const SuperAwesomeWebpackPlugin = require('super-awesome-webpack-plugin');
const staticBuildConfig = require('./static.config');
Each site entry be matched to the sites build entries and added to its index.html
entry: {
// site entry
home: path.join(__dirname, 'src/js/sites/order/home.js'),
// site entry
product: path.join(__dirname, 'src/js/sites/order/product.js'),
// style asset referenced by index.html's
style: path.join(__dirname, 'src/less', 'styles.less'),
// vendor chunked .js asset referenced by index.html's
vendor: Object.keys(require('./package.json').dependencies)
New up the plugin and add it to the plugin array. The first parameter is the site configuration and the second parameter takes a webpack configuration object (everything in the site configuration is ran through webpack).
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
// These will be output as assets.webpack.vendor and assets.webpack.manifest in the template
names: ['vendor', 'manifest'],
minChunks: Infinity
new SuperAwesomeWebpackPlugin(buildConfig, {})
Example Configuration
Example configuration file
* Template used to generate index.html files. See example below.
const template = require('./template');
// Reducers
const product_reducer = require('./src/js/redux/reducers/product');
const content_reducer = require('./src/js/redux/reducers/content');
const staticConfig = {
dataDir: './data',
sites: [
// All pages under this site will share this entry, template, and reducers
entry: 'main',
component: './src/js/components/pages/Wrapper', // wrapper component that wraps each route component
* This is a bit of a hack, but until a better solution can be found this will work.
* The plugin will look for a data file named 'index.json' at the base of dataDir and relate
* it to this indexRoute.
indexRoute: { component: './src/js/components/pages/Home' }
pages: [
* Pages dictate what index.html's get created. Each page must have a matching
* .JSON file at /[dataDir]/[route].
* NOTE: If you use multiple pages per entry you will need to use something like react-router
* to properly serve the correct page in the client.
* This site will generate four pages.
* - /en_US/home/index.html
* - /es_US/home/index.html
* - /en_US/explore/index.html
* - /es_US/explore/index.html
{ route: '/*/home', component: './src/js/components/pages/Home' },
{ route: '/*/explore', component: './src/js/components/pages/Explore' }
reducers: { content: content_reducer }
entry: 'product',
component: layout_component,
pages: [
{ route: '/*/menu/product/*', component: './src/js/components/pages/Product'},
reducers: { product: product_reducer, content: content_reducer }
Example Data Directory
index.json // This is a copy of /en_US/home.json
home.json // /en_US/home/index.html
explore.json // /en_US/explore/index.html
product_1.json // /en_US/products/product_1/index.html
product_2.json // /en_US/products/product_2/index.html
product_3.json // /en_US/products/product_3/index.html
home.json // /es_US/home/index.html
explore.json // /es_US/explore/index.html
product_1.json // /es_US/products/product_1/index.html
product_2.json // /es_US/products/product_2/index.html
product_3.json // /es_US/products/product_3/index.html
Example Template File
* Template must be a function that accepts a single configuration and returns a string.
* assets = {
* html: <rendered html page>,
* state: <state object>,
* app: <path to js file>,
* webpack: {<all assets generated during webpack bundling>}
* }
export default function (assets) {
return `
<html lang="en">
<title>My Store</title>
window.__data = ${JSON.stringify(assets.state)};
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/${'js', 'css')}" />
<body id="body">
<div id="app">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="/${assets.webpack.manifest}"></script>
<script src="/${assets.webpack.vendor}"></script>
<script src="${}"></script>
- Create example site
- ~~Tests & coverage reports~~
- ~~Handle ES6 modules more seamlessly~~
- Add ability to define asset-to-template mapping.
- ~~Integrate with react-router for configuration field mapping~~
- ~~Test/add webpack-dev-server support~~
- ~~Change template to accept generic objects~~
- ~~Locale needs to be handled better.~~
- Abstract state management so users have more flexibility.
Page Builders
- ~~Base paths for data directories~~
- ~~Support localization in builder functions to reduce configuration noise (Partially complete)~~
- Validation around configuration (Partially complete)
- ~~Remove multiPage flag in favor of a better architecture~~