Simplifies interaction with the Sunhotels API, allowing developers to easily search for hotels, retrieve booking information, and manage bookings programmatically.
Sunhotels module for nodejs
Simplifies interaction with the Sunhotels API, allowing developers to easily search for hotels, retrieve booking information, and manage bookings.
You will need to join for sunhotels and set up your first application.
npm install sunhotel
Quick Usage Example
import { Client } from "sunhotel";
const client = new Client("YOUR_API_USERNAME", "YOUR_API_PASSWORD"),
params = {
destinationID: 244,
checkInDate: "2024-07-12",
checkOutDate: "2024-07-13",
numberOfAdults: 1,
numberOfRooms: 1,
numberOfChildren: 0,
accommodationTypes: "Hotel",
CustomerCountry: "FR",
currencies: "USD",
language: "EN",
.then((resp) => {
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
The client can be initialized directly.
import { Client } from "sunhotel";
// Initialize using username and password
const client = new Client("YOUR_API_USERNAME", "YOUR_API_PASSWORD");
Get list of hotels offer:
If you want to search for the rooms/apartments/villas available in the system on a given date, use the get method. This method takes as argument a destructuring object which contains all the query strings to filter the results according to the needs of the client whether it is the date or number of rooms or number of adults etc...
import { Client } from "sunhotel";
const params = {
destinationID: 244, // you can get ids of all destination from helpers
checkInDate: "2024-07-12",
checkOutDate: "2024-07-13",
numberOfAdults: 1,
numberOfRooms: 1,
numberOfChildren: 0,
accommodationTypes: "Hotel",
CustomerCountry: "FR",
currencies: "USD",
language: "EN",
.then((resp) => {
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
// Outputs
count: 3,
hotels: [{
'': 199899,
destination_id: 244,
resort_id: 534,
transfer: 1,
roomtypes: { roomtype: [ [Object], [Object] ] }}, ...
// Get a specific hotel using the id or you can pass in the destructuring params.
params.hotelIDs = "12382";
.then((resp) => {
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
**Required in specific situations
| Params | Description | | -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | *destinationID | The ID of the destination where the client wishes to look for rooms. | | *checkInDate | Date when the client wishes to check into the hotel. | | *checkOutDate | date when the client wishes to check out of the hotel. | | *numberOfRooms | The number of rooms that the client is interested in | | **hotelIDs | The ID of the hotel where the client wishes to look for rooms. | | *accommodationTypes | The types of accommodation the client wants to search for (separated by commas). | | *numberOfAdults | The number of adults the client wants the rooms to be able to accommodate. | | *numberOfChildren | The number of children the client wants the rooms to be able to accommodate. | | **childrenAges | Ages of the children informed in numberOfChildren field. Allows values between 2 and 17 |
If you want more informations about API parameters, be sure to visit the documentation.
You have many helpers at your disposal to make the components interact correctly with each other here is an example of the helpers that will be useful in building your system. These helpers are used for example in the filter of hotels by meals or by features.
import { Client } from "sunhotel";
const client = new Client("YOUR_API_USERNAME", "YOUR_API_PASSWORD");
* get available languagues in sunhotels system.
* @returns {Promise<{count: any, languagues: any}>} Promise contain count result and list of languagues
// Outputs
count: 4,
languagues: [{ isoCode: "FR", name: "Français" }, ...]
* get all available features based on language
* @param {string} lang languague translation
* @returns {Promise<{count: any, features: any}>} Promise contain count result and list of features
// Outputs
count: 3,
features: [{ name: "Wifi" }, ...]
* get all available meals based on language
* @param {string} lang languague translation
* @returns {Promise<{count: any, meals: any}>} Promise contain count result and list of meals
// Outputs
count: 3,
meals: [{ name: "Demi-pension" }, ...]
* get all available destination using in search hotel, you can use returned destination id in search hotel by city
* @param {string} lang languague translation
* @param {string | null} destinationCode search by destination iata code for example "PAR" (Paris) or "CMN" (Casablanca)
* @param {string | null} sortBy
* @param {string | null} sortOrder
* @param {string | null} exactDestinationMatch
* @returns {Promise<{count: any, destinations: any}>} Promise contain count result and list of destinations
client.helper.destinations("en", "CMN");
// Outputs
count: 3,
destinations: [{ destination_id: 244, DestinationCode: "MA", DestinationName: "Marrakesh",... }, ...]
* Get hotel information (name, location, description, images, room types...)
* @param {lang} lang
* @param {string} hotelIDs
* @returns {Promise<any>} Promise contain object of hotel information
client.helper.hotel("en", "23238");
// Outputs
type: 'Hotel',
name: 131131,
'': 'Morocco',
'hotel.addr.countrycode': 'MA',
'hotel.address': '131 Marrakech Morocco',
description: '...',
This method is to be used as step 2 in the context of a 3 step booking process, after the search and before the booking request. The purpose of the PreBook call is to validate the information retrieved in search. This will allow you to alert the final customer of any changes prior to completing the booking.
import { Client } from "sunhotel";
const client = new Client("YOUR_API_USERNAME", "YOUR_API_PASSWORD");
currency: "USD",
language: "en",
searchPrice: 38,
checkInDate: "2024-06-01",
checkOutDate: "2024-06-02",
email: "[email protected]",
rooms: 1,
specialrequest: "",
yourRef: "ZERF7832",
roomId: "176936782",
mealId: "3",
adults: 1,
children: 0,
infant: 0,
customerCountry: "FR",
childrenAges: "",
hotelId: "",
roomtypeId: "",
blockSuperDeal: "0",
showPriceBreakdown: "",
B2C: "",
}).then((resp) => {
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));
// Outputs
status: true,
preBookCode: '0613e4c3-0baf-4a2e-9a3a-e581b30d1ca6', // used in booking confirmation
price: 38,
notes: [...], // notice from hotel about the booking
cancellationPolicies: [...] // deadline of cancellation
This function is used to book a room/apartment/villa. Take in account that you can only use latin alphabet characters in the guests names (adult and children), yourRef
, invoiceRef
and specialrequest
import { Client } from "sunhotel";
const client = new Client("YOUR_API_USERNAME", "YOUR_API_PASSWORD");
const params: Book = {
currency: "USD",
language: "en",
checkInDate: "2024-06-01",
checkOutDate: "2024-06-02",
email: "[email protected]",
rooms: "1",
roomId: "176936782",
mealId: "3",
adults: "1",
children: "0",
infant: "0",
customerCountry: "FR",
b2c: "",
specialrequest: "",
yourRef: "DERF89",
preBookCode: "84838394f-3324-439-a132-50592450997f",
customerEmail: "[email protected]",
paymentMethodId: "1",
creditCardType: "",
creditCardNumber: "",
creditCardHolder: "",
creditCardCVV2: "",
creditCardExpYear: "",
creditCardExpMonth: "",
invoiceRef: "",
commissionAmountInHotelCurrency: "",
const guests = [
type: "adult",
firstName: "Mehdi",
lastName: "Ait Mouh",
];, guests).then((resp) => {
// outputs
bookingnumber: '237287',
'': 38828382,
'': 'Hotel Inou Agadir',
'hotel.address': 'Centre Aourir Km 12 Route Taghazout 80750 Agadir Morocco',
'': '+212 666 560 600',
numberofrooms: 1,
'room.type': 'Single room',
'room.englishType': 'Single room',
mealId: 3,
meal: 'Breakfast',
mealLabel: '',
englishMeal: 'Breakfast',
englishMealLabel: '',
checkindate: '2024-06-01T00:00:00',
checkoutdate: '2024-06-02T00:00:00',
prices: [Object],
currency: 'USD',
bookingdate: '2024-05-25T15:29:06.633',
'bookingdate.timezone': 'GMT+02:00:00',
cancellationpolicies: [Object],
'earliestNonFreeCancellationDate.CET': '2024-05-25T14:29:06.633',
'earliestNonFreeCancellationDate.Local': '2024-05-25T15:29:06.633',
yourref: 'DERF89',
voucher: 'vocher link',
bookedBy: 'Booking service provider',
transferbooked: 0,
paymentmethod: '',
hotelNotes: [Object],
englishHotelNotes: [Object],
roomNotes: '',
englishRoomNotes: '',
invoiceref: ''
Get booking
Get information about an existing booking or all bookings created within a specific date range or all bookings with an arrival date within a specific date range.
import { Client } from "sunhotel";
const client = new Client("YOUR_API_USERNAME", "YOUR_API_PASSWORD");
const params = {
language: "en",
bookingID: "237287",
reference: "",
createdDateFrom: "",
createdDateTo: "",
arrivalDateFrom: "",
arrivalDateTo: "",
showGuests: 0
client.order.get(params).then((resp) => {
// Outputs
bookingnumber: '237287',
'': 281280,
'': 'Hotel Inou Agadir',
'hotel.address': 'Centre Aourir Km 12 Route Taghazout 80750 Agadir Morocco',
'': '+212 666 560 600',
numberofrooms: 1,
'room.type': 'Single room',
'room.englishType': 'Single room',
mealId: 3,
meal: 'Breakfast',
mealLabel: '',
englishMeal: 'Breakfast',
englishMealLabel: '',
checkindate: '2024-06-01T00:00:00',
checkoutdate: '2024-06-02T00:00:00',
prices: { price: [ 38, 35 ] },
currency: 'USD',
bookingdate: '2024-05-25T15:29:06.633',
'bookingdate.timezone': 'GMT+02:00:00',
cancellationpolicies: {
deadline: '',
percentage: 100,
text: 'Please note that this room is non-refundable and non-amendable. If the booking is cancelled, no money will be refunded.'
'earliestNonFreeCancellationDate.CET': '2024-05-25T14:29:06.633',
'earliestNonFreeCancellationDate.Local': '2024-05-25T15:29:06.633',
yourref: 'DERF89',
voucher: 'vocher link',
bookedBy: 'Booking service provider',
transferbooked: 0,
paymentmethod: '',
hotelNotes: { hotelNote: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ] },
englishHotelNotes: { englishHotelNote: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ] },
roomNotes: '',
englishRoomNotes: '',
invoiceref: '',
bookingStatus: 'Active',
currentCancellationPolicyFee: { fee: [ 38, 35 ] },
currentCancellationPolicyDeadline: '2024-06-03T00:00:00'
Cancel booking
Cancel an existing booking. In case the booking also has a transfer booking attached, the transfer booking will also be cancelled.
import { Client } from "sunhotel";
const client = new Client("YOUR_API_USERNAME", "YOUR_API_PASSWORD");
client.order.cancel("order_id", "lang").then((resp) => {
code === 1 booking has been cancelled successfulty
code === -2 has already been cancelled or probably cancellation have error
Contributors :
Mehdi Ait Mouh [email protected] (software engineer)