A simple and easy to use discord.js framework.
⚠️ WARNING: This project is still actively in development. Expect ongoing updates and improvements. Use with caution.
Go to the website to get started!
Table of contents
Simple example
If you're new to Sunar, you can follow these steps to get started.
Ensure you have Node.js (18 or newer) installed on your machine. Sunar requires discord.js as a peer dependency.
Initialize the client
Create a new file, e.g., index.js
, and set up your Discord bot using Sunar.
// path: src/index.js
import { Client, load } from 'sunar';
const start = async () => {
const client = new Client({ intents: [] });
// stores all sunar modules, you can add more
// directories by passing them after the "signals"
// with a comma (e.g. signals,buttons,autocompletes)
await load('src/{commands,signals}/**/*.{js,ts}');
Create your first signal
Signals handle events in your Discord bot. Let's create a basic ready
signal to log when the bot is online and ready.
// path: src/signals/ready.js
import { Signal, execute } from 'sunar';
import { registerCommands } from 'sunar/registry';
const signal = new Signal('ready', { once: true });
execute(signal, async (client) => {
await registerCommands(client.application);
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`);
export { signal };
Create your first command
Let's create a simple ping
command that responds with the bot's ping when invoked.
// path: src/commands/ping.js
import { Slash, execute } from 'sunar';
const slash = new Slash({
name: 'ping',
description: 'Show client ws ping',
execute(slash, (interaction) => {
content: `Client WS Ping: ${}`,
export { slash };
Handle interactions
To make the ping command work, add the interactionCreate
signal to your project to handle interactions:
// path: src/signals/interaction-create.js
import { Signal, execute } from 'sunar';
import { handleInteraction } from 'sunar/handlers';
const signal = new Signal('interactionCreate');
execute(signal, async (interaction) => {
await handleInteraction(interaction);
export { signal };
Special thanks to discord.js for their incredible library that powers Sunar, to Valibot for inspiring our code structure, and to Fumadocs for being an excellent framework for creating documentations.
Completely free and licensed under the MIT license. But if you want, you can give me a star on GitHub.