Summit Registration Lite
React component for the summit registration lite widget
Registration Lite config
apiBaseUrl = base url for API
summitData = object with the data from the summit
profileData = object with the profile data from the user
supportEmail = string with the email address for support
allowsNativeAuth = boolean to show/hide native auth
allowsOtpAuth = boolean to show/hide OTP auth
loginOptions = array with the options to show on the login screen
loading = boolean to show/hide a loader on the widget
showMultipleTicketTexts= boolean to show/hide the text for multiple tickets
noAllowedTicketsMessage= string with the message for the 'No Allowed Tickets' error
ticketTaxesErrorMessage= string with the message for the 'TicketAndTaxesError' component
initialOrderComplete1stParagraph = string with the text for the first paragraph when the user bought his first order
initialOrderComplete2ndParagraph = string with the text for the second paragraph when the user bought his first order
initialOrderCompleteButton = string with the text for the button when the user bought his first order
orderComplete1stParagraph = string with the text for the first paragraph when the user bought an order
orderComplete2ndParagraph = string with the text for the second paragraph when the user bought an order
orderCompleteButton = string with the text for the button when the user bought an order
{ button_color: '#082238', provider_label: 'FNid', provider_param: 'fnid' },
{ button_color: '#0370C5', provider_label: 'Facebook', provider_param: 'facebook' }
authUser = method passed that will be called on user login. param -> (provider) => console.log('login with', provider)
completedExtraQuestions= method passed that will be called to evaluate if the user extra questions are completed
getAccessToken = method passed that will be called to request the access token
closeWidget = method passed that will be called if the user tries to close the widget
goToExtraQuestions = method passed that will be called by component to redirect to extra questions page. Pass attendeeId
goToEvent = method passed that will be called to redirect the user to the current event
goToMyOrders = method passed that will be called to redirect the user to the my orders page
getPasswordlessCode = method passed that will be called when the user generates a code to login without password
loginWithCode = method passed that will be called when the user tries to login with a code
onPurchaseComplete = method passed that will be called after the purchase of a ticket it's completed
trackEvent = method that tracks a given event.
handleCompanyError = method passed that will be called if the company dropdown can't be fetched
authErrorCallback = method passed that will handle on client any auth error
allowPromoCodes = boolean to show/hide promo code field. Defaults to true
showCompanyInput = booleaen to show/hide the "Company" field. Defaults to true.
companyDDLPlaceholder = string for the set the placeholder of the DDL company input
companyDDLOptions2Show = Maximum number of companies to show on a match of the DDL company input
idpLogoDark = string for custom src for dark theme logo on otp login
idpLogoLight = string for custom src for light theme logo on otp login
idpLogoAlt = string for custom alt logo on otp login
1 - yarn build && yarn publish
2 - yarn publish-package
import RegistrationLiteWidget from 'summit-registration-lite/dist';
import 'summit-registration-lite/dist/index.css';
You can pass this hash on url to override current time, time must be in this format and on summit timezone