Suite25519 is a cryptography module, featuring key algorithms like Curve25519, ed25519, x25519, ECIES, AES-GCM-SIV, and ECDSA. It provides essential functionalities for key management, digital signatures, and encryption, making it suitable for secure comm
Suite25519 Module
Suite25519 is a cryptographic module that leverages Curve25519 for key generation, signing, verifying, encrypting, and decrypting messages. It's designed to provide a straightforward API for essential cryptographic operations.
To use Suite25519 in your project, install it via npm:
npm install suite25519 # Assume 'suite25519' is the package name
Key Generation
Generate a new private key and derive the corresponding public key:
import { PrivateKey } from 'suite25519';
const privateKey = PrivateKey.randomPrivateKey();
const publicKey = privateKey.publicKey;
console.log('Private Key:', privateKey.toBase64());
console.log('Public Key:', publicKey.toBase64());
Signing and Verifying Messages
Sign a message with a private key and verify it with the corresponding public key:
import { signMessage, verifyMessage } from 'suite25519';
// Sign a message
const message = 'Hello, world!';
const signature = signMessage(message, privateKey);
console.log('Signature:', signature.toString('base64'));
// Verify the signature
const isValid = verifyMessage(signature, publicKey);
console.log('Is the signature valid?', isValid);
Encrypting and Decrypting Messages
Encrypt a message with a public key and decrypt it with the corresponding private key:
import { encryptMessage, decryptMessage } from 'suite25519';
// Encrypt a message
const encryptedMessage = encryptMessage('Secret message', publicKey);
console.log('Encrypted Message:', encryptedMessage.toString('base64'));
// Decrypt the message
const decryptedMessage = decryptMessage(encryptedMessage, privateKey);
console.log('Decrypted Message:', decryptedMessage.toString('utf8'));
Comprehensive Example
The following example demonstrates signing a user's public key with a master private key, verifying it, and performing encryption and decryption operations:
import { PrivateKey, signMessage, verifyMessage, encryptMessage, decryptMessage } from 'suite25519';
function signPublicKeyWithMasterPrivateKeyExample() {
const masterPrivateKey = PrivateKey.randomPrivateKey();
console.log('Master Private Key:', masterPrivateKey.toBase64());
const masterPublicKey = masterPrivateKey.publicKey;
console.log('Master Public Key:', masterPublicKey.toBase64());
const userPrivateKey = PrivateKey.randomPrivateKey();
console.log('User Private Key:', userPrivateKey.toBase64());
const userPublicKey = userPrivateKey.publicKey;
console.log('User Public Key:', userPublicKey.toBase64());
// Sign the user's public key
const signature = signMessage(userPublicKey.toBase64(), masterPrivateKey);
console.log('Signature:', signature.toString('base64'));
// Verify the signature
try {
const verified = verifyMessage(signature, masterPublicKey);
console.log('Verified:', verified.toString('utf8'));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Verification Error:', error.message);