Set of provider, package and object classes for javascript representation of Sui Move smart contracts. Use same code for publishing, upgrading, integration testing, interaction with smart contracts and integration in browser web3 dapps
Set of provider, package and object classes for javascript representation of Sui's smart contracts. Use same code for publishing, upgrading, integration testing, interaction with smart contracts and integration in browser dapps. Very alpha for now.
- Installation
- Usage
- Publishing the package
- Upgrading the package
- Writing Sue Move intergration tests
- Connecting web3 dapps to Sui
- Todo
Sample applications
| Name | Stack | Online | Github | |----------|---------------|---------|--------| | sui-bot-score | Vue + suidouble | sui-bot-score | source code | | suidouble-sample-app | Vue + suidouble | suidouble-sample-app | source code | | suidouble-color | Vue + suidouble | suidouble-color | source code |
npm install suidouble --save
Main class to interact with blockchain is SuiMaster:
import { SuiMaster } from 'suidouble';
You can initialize it directly, if you have keypair, secret phrase, or privateKey and can use it in code (so on node.js side - server side or CLI apps):
const suiMaster = new SuiMaster({
keypair: Ed25519Keypair || Secp256r1Keypair || Secp256k1Keypair,
debug: true, // echo testing messages to console
client: 'test', // 'test', 'dev', 'local', 'main' or instance of this lib's SuiLocalTestValidator
const suiMaster = new SuiMaster({
debug: false,
privateKey: 'suiprivkey1qpwly9xrfsv50mqug706s40l58klez5q6mpchq4f5ldzktjyr4x7yhj9lf2',
client: 'dev',
const suiMaster = new SuiMaster({
debug: false,
phrase: 'thrive mean two thrive mean two thrive mean two thrive mean two', // secret phrase to generate keypair
client: 'dev',
const suiMaster = new SuiMaster({
debug: false,
phrase: 'thrive mean two thrive mean two thrive mean two thrive mean two', // secret phrase to generate keypair
accountIndex: 1, // derive path index (you can generate few addresses with same seed phrase)
client: 'dev',
const suiMaster = new SuiMaster({
debug: false,
phrase: 'thrive mean two thrive mean two thrive mean two thrive mean two', // secret phrase to generate keypair
keypairAlgo: 'secp256k1', // 'secp256r1' or 'secp256r1' or 'ed25519' default is ed25519
client: 'dev',
Also, there's option to generate pseudo-random phrases and wallets from strings, works like a charm for testing:
const suiMasterAsAdmin = new SuiMaster({ as: 'admin', client: 'dev', });
const suiMasterAsUser = new SuiMaster({ as: 'user', client: 'dev', });
On browser side, you'd probably want to use Sui wallets extensions adapters to sign message and don't store any keypairs or secret phrases in your code. So there's SuiInBrowser class for this, which can setup suiMaster instance for you. See 'Sui Move Connect in browser' section or sample UI application's code for more details.
import { SuiInBrowser } from 'suidouble';
const suiInBrowser = SuiInBrowser.getSingleton(); // you probably don't want to keep few connections, so there's singleton
/// ...
suiInBrowser.addEventListener('connected', async()=>{
const connectedSuiMaster = await suiInBrowser.getSuiMaster(); // can post transactions now
console.log('read-write on', suiInBrowser.getCurrentChain(), 'as', suiMaster.address);
Take a look at more detailed web3 connect code, sample application source code or check it online.
attaching a package
By default, suiMaster doesn't know of any smart contracts. There're 3 ways to attach one for interaction.
You can do it directly if you know contract's address (id). This is the option for browser apps and testing existing package:
const contract = suiMaster.addPackage({
id: '0x20cded4f9df05e37b44e3be2ffa9004dec77786950719fad6083694fdca45bf2',
await contract.isOnChain();
On node.js side, if you have Move's project with package code, you can attach it with path. This is the option for TDD and package publishing.
const contract = suiMaster.addPackage({
path: '../path_to_move_project_root/',
await contract.isOnChain();
Yes, it can find it's address on chain, by comparing Move's module names with package you own on chain. Works ok if you want to test upgrading or something. Also, you can attach the package only by modules names. This will work in browser too (note: you have to own this package, its UpgradeCap):
const contract = suiMaster.addPackage({
modules: ['chat', 'anothermodulename'],
await contract.isOnChain();
interacting with smart contract
Everyhing in Sui is an object. So is in suidouble. SuiObject's instance class follows:; // '0x10cded4f9df05e37b44e3be2ffa9004dec77786950719fad6083694fdca45bf2' or something
suiObject.address; // very same, '0x10cded4f9df05e37b44e3be2ffa9004dec77786950719fad6083694fdca45bf2'
suiObject.isShared; // boolean. Is object shared (see Sui docs)
suiObject.isImmutable; // boolean. Is object immutable (see Sui docs)
suiObject.isDeleted; // marked as removed from blockchain in result of Sui Move contract method call
suiObject.type; // full type name, with package-module prefix, '0x20cded4f9df05e37b44e3be2ffa9004dec77786950719fad6083694fdca45bf2::chat::ChatResponse'
suiObject.typeName; // type name with no prefixes, eg 'ChatResponse'
suiObject.fields; // {}, object. Fields stored on blockchain
suiObject.display; // display object stored on blockchain
suiObject.localProperties; // {} object. Any local properties you want to attach to object. No interaction with blockchain. May be helpful to store some temp data
suiObject.isOwnedBy('0x10cded4f9df05e37b44e3be2ffa9004dec77786950719fad6083694fdca45bf2'); // is object owned by somebody or some object
/// past versions:
await suiObject.getPastObject(version); // get instance of object from the past
await suiObject.getPastObject(); // try to get previous
/// object-related transactions:
await suiObject.queryTransactionBlocks(); // returns instance of SuiPaginatedResponse
@todo: better SuiObject documentation
fetching events
const events = await contract.fetchEvents('modulename', {eventTypeName: 'ChatResponseCreated', order: 'descending'});
// events is instance of SuiPaginatedResponse. Data is stored in .data, has method to fetch next page - .nextPage();
while (events.hasNextPage) {
for (const event of {
// event is instance of SuiEvent
console.log('event', event.parsedJson); // data on blockchain
console.log('timestamp', event.timestampMs); // time event emited
await events.nextPage();
// const events = await contract.fetchEvents('modulename', {order: 'descending'}); // or all module events
subscribing to events
*** Subscribe to Events is deprecated in Sui SDK *** You should plan to use different architecture in your application.
executing smart contract method
// executing method with parameters of (chat_shop: &ChatShop, metadata: vector<u8>, text: vector<u8>)
const res = await contract.moveCall('chat', 'post', ['0x10cded4f9df05e37b44e3be2ffa9004dec77786950719fad6083694fdca45bf2', contract.arg('vector<u8>', [3,24,55]), contract.arg('string', 'anotherparam') ]);
// or await'methodname', ['somedata', [3,24,55], 'anotherparam']);
for (const object of res.created) {
console.log('created', object.address, 'with type of', object.typeName); // instances of SuiObject (@todo: write documentation for it)
for (const object of res.mutated) {
console.log('mutated', object.address, 'with type of', object.typeName);
for (const object of res.deleted) {
console.log('deleted', object.address, 'with type of', object.typeName, object.isDeleted);
move methods argumets types
Sui forces you to specify argument type in SDK v1.0, so we are going to follow this paradigm. With few little helpers. Both SuiPackage
and SuiPackageModule
have methods to make Inputs.Pure with bcs for you based on the desired type, you can use for executing suiPackage.moveCall
or suiPackageModule.moveCall
const arguments = [];
arguments.push(contract.arg('bool', true));
arguments.push(contract.arg('u8', 222));
arguments.push(contract.arg('u16', 2222));
arguments.push(contract.arg('u32', 3333));
arguments.push(contract.arg('u64', 4444));
arguments.push(contract.arg('u128', 5555));
arguments.push(contract.arg('u256', 6666));
arguments.push(contract.arg('address', '0xd9a95d7cc137f71dd7766f02791536453062a7509e9f461620cc4f583b09134c'));
arguments.push(contract.arg('string', 'some utf-8 💧string'));
arguments.push(contract.arg('vector<u8>', [222,111,211])); // works for other vectors with primitive contents, e.g. u128, bool etc
Take a look at unit test covering all types arguments here
move methods typed arguments
To specify types for move methods declared as:
public entry fun method<T>(...)
you can specify typeArguments
as a 3rd parameter to suiPackageModule.moveCall
or 4th to suiPackage.moveCall
await mod.moveCall('test_method', [ ], [ '0xca90beae66f23df1a830357c92e0a4348b6164d142c96b06936c5f28fdeaa99f::different_types::Store' ]);
await contract.moveCall('module_name', 'test_method', [ ], [ '0xca90beae66f23df1a83036936c5f28fdeaa99f::different_types::Store' ]);
sending sui / coins with smart contract methods
If you need to transfer some SUI/coins as part of executing contract method, you can use a magic parameter in form of:
{type: 'SUI', amount: 400000000000n}
// 400000000000 MISTs, if amount is BigInt, it's used in decimal items
{type: 'SUI', amount: '0.2'}
// 0.2 SUI , if amount is String, it's translated to decimals, using coin metadata in a lazy way
{type: '0x5d4b302506645c37ff133b98c4b50a5ae14841659738d6d733d59d0d217a93bf::coin::COIN', amount: '1.0'}
// 1 USDC, note it should have a dot even if it's '0' after. You may want to use `Number(var).toFixed(decimals)` as a conversion
{type: '0xc060006111016b8a020ad5b33834984a437aaa7d3c74c18e09a95d48aceab08c::coin::COIN', amount: '99.99'}
// 99.99 USDT
So executing
const params = [
{type: '0xc060006111016b8a020ad5b33834984a437aaa7d3c74c18e09a95d48aceab08c::coin::COIN', amount: '9.99'},
contract.arg('string', messageText),
const moveCallResult = await contract.moveCall('suidouble_chat', 'post_pay', params);
will send 9.99 USDT as the second parameter of the package method. Suidouble will convert needed coins using Sui's SplitCoins and MergeCoins internally to match amount you expect to send.
Some smart contracts requires clients to send coins in form of vectors. This is covered too, just pass magic parameter if the form of an array with one element:
const params = [
[{type: '0xc060006111016b8a020ad5b33834984a437aaa7d3c74c18e09a95d48aceab08c::coin::COIN', amount: '9.99'}],
contract.arg('string', messageText),
Don't forget to test transactions sending real money on devnet/testnet first!
composing transaction block yourself
If you need more flexebility, there's always an option to construct the transaction yourself:
import { Transaction, txInput } from 'suidouble';
const tx = new Transaction();
target: `package_id::module_id::method_name`,
arguments: [
txInput(tx, 'u256', some_value),
txInput(tx, 'vector<bool>', some_array),
tx.object('0xc060006111016b8a020ad5b33834984a437aaa7d3c74c18e09a95d48aceab08c'), // object ids are ok t
const moveCallResult = await contract.moveCall('suidouble_chat', 'post_pay', {tx: tx});
fetching objects
There's instance of SuiMemoryObjectStorage attached to every SuiMaster instance. Every smart contract method call adds created and mutated objects to it. You can also attach any object with it's address (id).
await contract.modules.modulename.fetchObjects(); // fetch objects fields etc
const object = contract.modules.modulename.objectStorage.byAddress('0x10cded4f9df05e37b44e3be2ffa9004dec77786950719fad6083694fdca45bf2');
Another option (if you don't know the object id) is to query current wallet owned module's objects from blockchain:
const module = await contract.getModule('suidouble_chat');
const paginatedResponse = await module.getOwnedObjects(); // all module objects owned by you
const paginatedResponse2 = await module.getOwnedObjects({ typeName: 'ChatResponse' }); // specific type objects owned by you
await paginatedResponse.forEach(async(suiObject)=>{
console.log(, suiObject.typeName, suiObject.fields);
}, maxLimit); // optional maxLimit, if (!maxLimit) - it will fetch and call callback for all available objects
@todo: move pushing/fetching to SuiMemoryObjectStorage directly, as there's nothing package or module related? @todo: invalidation? No need to re-fetch all objects each time
publishing the package
Builds a package and publish it to blockchain. CLI thing, as it needs execSync
to run sui move build
. Tested on Ubuntu, works good. If you have some issues with other platforms - please feel free to let me know or post Pull Request.
import { SuiMaster } from 'suidouble';
const client = 'dev';
const suiMaster = new SuiMaster({ debug: true, as: 'admin', client: client, });
await suiMaster.requestSuiFromFaucet();
await suiMaster.getBalance();
const package = suiMaster.addPackage({
path: '../path_to_move_project_root/',
await package.publish();
console.log('published as', package.address);
upgrading the package
Same, it's for CLI as it re-builds the package.
import { SuiMaster } from 'suidouble';
const client = 'local';// or await SuiLocalTestValidator.launch({debug: true, epochDuration: 30000});
const suiMaster = new SuiMaster({ debug: true, as: 'admin', client: client, });
await suiMaster.requestSuiFromFaucet();
await suiMaster.getBalance();
const package = suiMaster.addPackage({
path: '../path_to_move_project_root/',
if (!(await package.isOnChain())) { // suidouble tries to find package with needed modules in UpgradeCaps owned by you
await package.publish();
} else {
await package.upgrade();
Sui Move Integration Testing
CLI integration tests, it runs local testing node (has to be installed), build and deploy a Move package into it and run unit tests over. suidouble try to mimic Sui Move's testing framework:
import { SuiTestScenario } from 'suidouble';
const testScenario = new SuiTestScenario({
path: '../path_to_move_project_root/',
debug: true,
await testScenario.begin('admin');
await testScenario.init();
await testScenario.nextTx('admin', async()=>{
const chatShop = testScenario.takeShared('ChatShop');
await testScenario.moveCall('chat', 'post', [chatShop.address, testScenario.arg('string', 'posting a message'), testScenario.arg('string', 'metadata') ]);
const chatTopMessage = testScenario.takeShared('ChatTopMessage');
assert(chatTopMessage != null);
assert( != null);
await testScenario.nextTx('somebody', async()=>{
const chatTopMessage = testScenario.takeShared('ChatTopMessage');
await testScenario.moveCall('chat', 'reply', [chatTopMessage.address, testScenario.arg('string', 'posting a response'), testScenario.arg('string', 'metadata') ]);
const chatResponse = testScenario.takeFromSender('ChatResponse');
assert(chatResponse != null);
assert( != null);
await testScenario.end();
Sui Move Connect in browser
Check out suidouble Vue component to connect your dapp to the Sui blockchain.
Or write the one manually, code is framework independed:
import { SuiInBrowser } from 'suidouble';
const suiInBrowser = SuiInBrowser.getSingleton();
const suiMaster = await suiInBrowser.getSuiMaster(); // not yet connected, works in read-only mode (no signing-posting txs).
console.log('read-only on', suiInBrowser.getCurrentChain());
suiInBrowser.addEventListener('adapter', (adapter)=>{
if ( == 'Sui Wallet') {
suiInBrowser.addEventListener('connected', async()=>{
const connectedSuiMaster = await suiInBrowser.getSuiMaster(); // can post transactions now
console.log('read-write on', suiInBrowser.getCurrentChain(), 'as', suiMaster.address);
const contract = connectedSuiMaster.addPackage({
id: '0x20cded4f9df05e37b44e3be2ffa9004dec77786950719fad6083694fdca45bf2',
await contract.isOnChain();
const events = await contract.fetchEvents('chat', {eventTypeName: 'ChatResponseCreated', order: 'descending'});
for (const event of {
// instances of SuiEvent (@todo: write documentation for it)
console.log('event', event.parsedJson);
const res = await contract.moveCall('chat', 'post', [contract.arg('string', 'somedata'), contract.arg('vector<u8>', 'somedata') ]);
for (const object of res.created) {
console.log('created', object.address, 'with type of', object.typeName); // instances of SuiObject (@todo: write documentation for it)
Unit tests
npm install
npm run tests
Take a look at unit tests code for some inspiration.
- suiobject invalidation/fetching optimization
- better documentation
- unit tests coverage to 90%+