A package that solves any 9 x 9 sudoku grids
This repository is a sudoku solver written in ES6.
How to use
Install the package from npm
npm install --save sudoku_solver
The module can be used like this
const sudoku = require('sudoku_solver');
const Grid = sudoku.Grid;
const Solver = sudoku.Solver;
const pattern = '8..........36......7..9.2...5...7.......457.....1...3...1....68..85...1..9....4..';
// Creates a Grid
let grid = new Grid(pattern);
// Creates a Solver
let solver = new Solver();
let solved_grid;
// Solves the grid
solved_grid = solver.solve(grid);
The pattern of the grid can be a string, an array of strings or an array of numbers.
To launch the demo, run
git clone
npm run demo
The console will log
8 . . | . . . | . . .
. . 3 | 6 . . | . . .
. 7 . | . 9 . | 2 . .
--------- ----------- ----------
. 5 . | . . 7 | . . .
. . . | . 4 5 | 7 . .
. . . | 1 . . | . 3 .
--------- ----------- ----------
. . 1 | . . . | . 6 8
. . 8 | 5 . . | . 1 .
. 9 . | . . . | 4 . .
Solved in 1,340.255ms
8 1 2 | 7 5 3 | 6 4 9
9 4 3 | 6 8 2 | 1 7 5
6 7 5 | 4 9 1 | 2 8 3
--------- ----------- ----------
1 5 4 | 2 3 7 | 8 9 6
3 6 9 | 8 4 5 | 7 2 1
2 8 7 | 1 6 9 | 5 3 4
--------- ----------- ----------
5 2 1 | 9 7 4 | 3 6 8
4 3 8 | 5 2 6 | 9 1 7
7 9 6 | 3 1 8 | 4 5 2
The grid from the demo comes from the most difficult sudoku grid.
To launch the tests, run
npm install
npm test
The algorithm composed of two parts:
- assign the values from the pattern to the grid
- search the values for the cells that are not solved
Here are the definitions of the terms used in this program:
A 9 x 9 sudoku grid
A grid is composed of 81 cells that can have an integer value between 1 and 9 included
A sibling of a cell is a cell that belongs to the same row, column or square
A grid is composed of 9 squares that are 3 x 3 subgrids
A cell is solved if its value is determinated. A grid is solved if all its cell are solved
Assigning value
In this part of the algorithm, the values from the pattern are assigned to the grid. This is suffiscent to complete the simplest sudoku grids.
To assign a value to a cell, it actually removes all the other possible values of the cell. Each time a value is removed, it checks if it permits to assign a value to a sibling by looking if only one sibling can accept the value
Each time a value is assigned to a cell, it is removed from the possible values of the siblings. If a sibling has only one possible value, the value is assigned to the sibling.
If the algorithm encounter any inconsistencies when assigning a value, it will return null.
Searching for missing values
If the first part of the algorithm have not solved the grid, it will search for missing values.
It checks which cell has the minimum possible values.
Then, it tries to assign the first value using the first part of the algorithm.
If it returns null, it means an inconsistency has been encountered. It then tries with the second value, etc. If it returns a grid, it means this value was assigned with success.
If the grid is not solved, it will use this part of the algorithm to search for the other values. Otherwise it is done.