Creates srt subtitle format from a json object.
an easy way to generate subtitle (srt) files from json object.
$ npm install subtitle-generator
import { generateSRT } from 'subtitle-generator';
// if the json data is in timestamp format
const subtitleText = generateSRT(jsonData, 'timestamp');
// if the json data is in seconds format
const subtitleText = generateSRT(jsonData, 'seconds');
Start time in seconds format
By default it will start subtitles from 00:00:00:00
If you want another time, send it as third parameter
const subtitleText = generateSRT(jsonData, 'seconds', '00:01:12:013');
JSON format
To generate the srt file, input the JSON data in the following two ways:
Timestamp format
Simply add the start and end timestamp for each subtitle content in format hh:mm:ss,ms
const content = [
start: "00:00:00,498",
end: "00:00:02,827",
content: "Here's what I love most about food and diet."
start: "00:00:02,827",
end: "00:00:06,383",
content: "We all eat several times a day, and we're totally in charge"
start: "00:00:06,383",
end: "00:00:09,427",
content: "of what goes on our plate and what stays off."
Seconds format
Save the number of seconds you want the subtitle content to appear. It will calculate the required timestamps based on that automatically.
const content = [
seconds: 2,
content: "Here's what I love most about food and diet."
seconds: 4.5,
content: "We all eat several times a day, and we're totally in charge"
seconds: 3.5,
content: "of what goes on our plate and what stays off."
Both JSON data will generate the following srt text
00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,000
Here's what I love most about food and diet.
00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:06,500
We all eat several times a day, and we're totally in charge
00:00:06,500 --> 00:00:10,000
of what goes on our plate
and what stays off.