Styled console statements with modern JavaScript
Styled console statements with modern JavaScript
Zero dependencies
Written in TypeScript (types included)
Inspired by styled-components
Styled console statements are an experimental feature with limited browser support and even more limited documentation. Style rules do not always work as expected. Due to these limitations, results may vary. Please use with caution.
yarn add styled-logs
or npm i styled-logs
Basic Example
import styled from "styled-logs";
const Log = styled.log`
color: purple;
background: yellow;
Log("I am a styled-log!");
Create your styled-log
This is done using a tagged templated literal to write your CSS styles.
import styled from "styled-logs";
const Log = styled.log`
color: purple;
background: yellow;
border: 2px solid purple;
padding: 5px;
The styled
method exposes three of the global console methods as properties of the method:
, warn
, and error
const ErrorLog = styled.error`
color: tomato;
font-weight: bold;
The latter three methods provide icons and additional styling provided by the browser:
Use your styled-log
This is done using a tagged templated literal to write your CSS styles.
The styled
method exposes three of the global console methods as properties of the method:
Log("🎉 Yay!");
You can optionally use a tagged template literal, which can be used to pass dynamic values.
let name = "LIJS";
Log`Hello ${name}!`;
// This also works
Log(`Hello ${name}!`);
Extend your styled-log
You can also create a styled-log by extending from the styles of a previously defined instance. You do this by passing a previously defined instance to the styled
method as an argument followed by your new styles in a tagged template literal. The styles will be merged and in the event of a conflict, the latest style will always be applied.
const Log = styled.log`
color: "purple";
const ExtendedLog = styled(Log)`
background: yellow;
// ExtendedLog will have purple text
// with a yellow background.
ExtendedLog("🎉 Yay...extended!");
Creating Dynamic Styles
Adding dynamic styles is simple. You can include variables or expressions anywhere in your style declaration as long as they return a properly formatted string.
const error = false;
const Log = styled.log`
color: ${error ? "tomato" : "green"};
const Log2 = styled.log`
color: green;
${() => show && `background: yellow`};
const log3 = styled.log`
color: green;
background: ${() => show && `purple`};
As if the syntax above is not weird enough, you can also define and execute a styled-logs method in a one-liner.
color: green;
`("I am a green console statement!");
When defining your CSS styles, it's important to remember to use proper CSS syntax, which means finishing each declaration with a semicolon. This may not break your code in a simple situation, but you can definitely expect to see issues when trying to extend from styles or resolve expressions that are not formatted properly.
// This may not break despite the missing
// semicolon on the "color:blue" declaration.
const FirstLog = styled.log`
color: blue;
// But, this will definitely break (silently).
const SecondLog = styled(FirstLog)`
border: 2px solid blue;
Syntax Highlighting
Any syntax highlighting extension that works for styled-components should work for this library as well.
If you have never invoked a function with a template literal, it may look a little strange. log
, warn
and error
are all methods of the styled
object, but we are invoking them using the template literal syntax:
color: blue;
Turns out, this is a completely valid way of executing a JavaScript function. We are tagging the template literal (string) with a function that is able to parse the string and any of its expressions (and variables). The tag function, when invoked with a template literal, will receive as arguments the template literal broken out into an array of strings along with all of its individual expressions and variables in sequential order.
Learn more about tagged template literals from MDN or styled-components.