stumm and morgan aquatic chemistry pdf high quality
Stumm And Morgan Aquatic Chemistry Pdf Download High Quality
the data are presented as the total fraction of nps remaining in the water after adjusting for the amount of nps in the feedstock. for example, for the experiment with 200mg nps/l of feedstock, the fraction of nps remaining in the water after 60min of reaction is presented as:
note that t 1 tot is the total amount of nps in the feedstock, t i is the concentration of each np in the feedstock, t 2 is the concentration of nps after 20min of reaction, and so on. it is noted that the amount of np removed at any time depends on the np concentration (but not the concentration of the np feedstock in this case) and the number of reactions. thus, even for nanosized nps that would appear to have very low aqueous solubilities, significant removal could occur when each np is removed only a few times during a reaction or long enough for a significant portion of the np mass to be reduced to nps again.
the concentration of the dissolved calcium in the well was obtained by summing the total dissolved solids (tds) measurements for calcium and iron taken over the course of the campaign. in the same way, the concentration of the total dissolved phosphorus was determined by summing the inorganic phosphorus measurements for calcium and iron and the organic phosphorus measurements for calcium. both metals had to be removed from the flowing feedwater in order to prevent excessive growth of algae in the feedwater. in addition, we found that chemicals used to precipitate and separate iron from the water were also removed from the feedwater. for the experiments in which chemistry was examined, all of these chemical species were removed from the feedwater before addition to the flushing water. some of these experiments were performed with only the desired chemicals removed from the feedwater. however, we consistently removed all of the chemicals from the feedwater because different (e.g., nitrate) and trace (e., metal) species could have different solubility and be removed from the feedwater at different rates. as for iron, this would mean that a portion of the precipitated iron could be removed from the flushing water as iron carbonate (feco3), in which iron is adsorbed to the carbonate groups of the sorbent. however, we did not measure iron carbonate in the flushing water, and thus we cannot provide a quantitative measurement of carbonate iron. it is noted that the tds measurements and the total inorganic phosphorus measurements do not contain information on the total phosphorus released from the carbonate (e., phosphate) species. 84d34552a1