A collection of Svelte components
Stroopwafels Component Library
A collection of Svelte components
- SvelteTube: a lazy loading, responsive Youtube video player. Props include a YouTube video id, poster image title attribute, play icon color, poster image, border-radius, and box-shadow.
- Prism: syntax highlighting for code snippets with a copy button. Props include the code to be displayed. Custom properties inclued --color for the button background color.
- Slider: A progressively enhanced Slider using scroll-snap. JS allows the user to use the left and right arrows (or left and right buttons) to change slides. Autoplay is on by default, but the user can play/pause, and the setting is saved to Local Storage. Props include the slides/text/position, duration, and color. Custom properties inclued --height and --color.
- Tabs: A component for grouping content in to tabs. Props include an array of tabs with heading/content. Custom properties include --background, --color, and --shadow.
- Header: A responsive Header with dropdown items. Props include an array of menu items with name/url/children, and a logo (text or html). Custom properties include --width, --background, and --padding.
- Footer: A reponsive Footer with a default slot. Custom properies inclue --width, --background, --color, --padding, and --spacing.
- DarkMode: An icon to toggle between dark mode and light mode. Uses localStorage to persist the selection. When dark mode is selected, a class of .dark will be added to the body element. Custom properties include --width.
- BackToTop: An icon that will scroll the user to the top of the page when clicked. Custom properties include --background.
- Modal: A responsive content overlay with a dark transparent backdrop. Must bind the instance of the component to a variable (for instance, modal) and call modal.openModal(). Custom properties include --background , --color, --closeBackground, and --closeColor.
- Switch: A simple switch checkbox that emits an on:checked and on:unchecked event. Custom properties include --background.
- Tooltip: A tooltip with props including a message and a direction. Custom properties include --background and --color.
- Viewport action: an action that can be added to a DOM element. The action will return two custom events: onEnterViewport and onExitViewport.
- ClickOutside action: an action that will listen for a click on any element except the element the action was applied to. Useful for things like closing a modal by clicking outside of the modal.
- Outliner: A fixed button (top left) that shows on hover and toggles on/off an outline for every element on the page. It is meant to be used as a dev component. Custom properties include --background, --color, and -spacing.
- Accordion: A progressively enhanced accordion. When JS is available, each section closes except for the section the user clicks on. Props include and array of objects with summary/content/isOpen properties. Custom properties include --primary, --secondary, --spacing, and --white.