Translation strings used for Stremio app
This is the repository the Stremio media center uses for all translation strings.
How to contribute
Any help with contributing additional translations would be extremely helpful!
For contributing, use en_US
as a starting point because it's always
guaranteed to include all the translation strings.
Thank you!
Please, always sync and pull your repository before making any edits.
How to test in the app
Clone this repo, copy en-US.json as a starting point into your language's locale file, following IETF standard. To test in the app, start Stremio like:
# for windows
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\LNV\Stremio\Stremio.exe . --translation=PATH_TO_JSON
# for mac
/Applications/ . --translation=PATH_TO_JSON
Translation credits
| Culture | Name | Contributors | |-----------|-------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | bg-BG | Bulgarian | @Ivshti | | da-DK | Danish | @Holsted777 | | de-DE | German | @Atalanttore | | el-GR | Greek | @pentakalos | | es-ES | Spanish | @Decc98, @FernandoUY, @cosmoscalibur, @robertlluberes and Federico Erbetta | | fr-FR | French | @Nath74k, @greg0ire and @tymmesyde | | he-IL | Hebrew | @kornbed and @yishaiguedj1 | | hu-HU | Hungarian | @pterdi | | hr-HR | Croatian | @boljsa | | it-IT | Italian | @pippo73, @zurdyo and @archetipo95 | | mk-MK | Macedonian | Ivan Fonchev | | my-BM | Melayu | Abdul Muhaimin Che Sohor | | nl-NL | Dutch | @Rubenoo, @Tbizla and @tjorim | | nn-NO | Norwegian, Nynorsk | @skanin | | nb-NO | Norwegian, Bokmål | @skanin | | pl-PL | Polish | @yknomeh | | pt-BR | Brazilian Portuguese | @loopbackbr, @luanhssa, @leonardosnt, @John-Luke, @kelvins, @davidsonsns and @fabianosantosnet | | pt-PT | Portuguese | @henriquev16, @liqen and @iretan | | ru-RU | Russian | @thedp | | se-SE | Swedish | @erikdsjostrom | | sr-RS | Serbian | @m0k1 | | tr-TR | Turkish | @ali-demirtas @rozehan |
Feel free to add yourself!