A stream that controls child streams
stream-master is an API for joining multiple streams together under a single streaming parent.
At the current moment, stream-master just combines child
streams in arbitrary fashion, but in the future
it will emit data
events per each child stream in more ordered fashion. It is still possible to isolate individual streams
within stream-master because the child
function will return the specific stream that has become a child if stream-master.
stream-master also emits a zeroChildren
event when all its child streams have emitted end
. This is useful
if you want all your child streams to finish before doing something else with them.
var master = require('stream-master')
master is a readable stream in this case, not writable.
stream-master exports
a single function that takes an options object as an argument.
is the buffer size for the children streams of stream-master (when not passed an argument to the child
When child streams surpass this buffer limit, they will emit the buffered data.
//bufSize indicates how much data child streams should buffer before emmiting data. pass 0 for data to be emmited without buffering
var master = require('stream-master')({bufSize:1024 * 5}) //returns a readable stream.
, fs = require('fs')
//each child stream emits data normally, but buffers data to notify parent of incoming data
//parent doesn't emit data until a child stream has buffed max limit or has ended
var child1 = request('').pipe(master.child()) //child returns a readable/writable stream
child.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(fileName) //child emits data from the 'request' pipe
//same as: request('').pipe(master.child()).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(fileName))
var child2 = request('').pipe(master.child())
//pass a readable stream as an argument to master.child()
var child3 = master.child( request('') ) // child3 === request('')
master.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(masterFile)) //master emits data of both child1 and child2 and child 3