High performance Stratum poolserver in Node.js
High performance Stratum poolserver in Node.js. One instance of this software can startup and manage multiple coin pools, each with their own daemon and stratum port :)
This is a module for Node.js that will do nothing on its own. Unless you're a Node.js developer who would like to handle stratum authentication and raw share data then this module will not be of use to you. For a full featured portal that uses this module, see NOMP (Node Open Mining Portal). It handles payments, website front-end, database layer, mutli-coin/pool support, auto-switching miners between coins/pools, etc.. The portal also has an MPOS compatibility mode so that the it can function as a drop-in-replacement for python-stratum-mining.
This server was built to be more efficient and easier to setup, maintain and scale than existing stratum poolservers which are written in python. Compared to the spaghetti state of the latest stratum-mining python server, this software should also have a lower barrier to entry for other developers to fork and add features or fix bugs.
- Daemon RPC interface
- Stratum TCP socket server
- Block template / job manager
- P2P to get block notifications as peer node
- Optimized generation transaction building
- Connecting to multiple daemons for redundancy
- Process share submissions
- Session managing for purging DDoS/flood initiated zombie workers
- Auto ban IPs that are flooding with invalid shares
- POW (proof-of-work) & POS (proof-of-stake) support
- Transaction messages support
- Vardiff (variable difficulty / share limiter)
- When started with a coin deamon that hasn't finished syncing to the network it shows the blockchain download progress and initializes once synced
Hashing algorithms supported:
- ✓ SHA256 (Bitcoin, Freicoin, Peercoin/PPCoin, Terracoin, etc..)
- ✓ Scrypt (Litecoin, Dogecoin, Feathercoin, etc..)
- ✓ Scrypt-Jane (YaCoin, CopperBars, Pennies, Tickets, etc..)
- ✓ Scrypt-N (Vertcoin [VTC])
- ✓ Quark (Quarkcoin [QRK])
- ✓ X11 (Darkcoin [DRK], Hirocoin, Limecoin)
- ✓ Keccak (Maxcoin [MAX], HelixCoin, CryptoMeth, Galleon, 365coin, Slothcoin, BitcointalkCoin, eCoin, CopperLark)
Under development:
- ✗ Skein (Skeincoin [SKC])
- ✗ Groestl (MyriadCoin [MYR]
- ✗ Qubit (QubitCoin [Q2C], MyriadCoin [MYR])
- ✗ Hefty1 (Heavycoin [HVC])
- ✗ Blake (Blakecoin [BLC])
- ✗ Fugue (Fuguecoin [FC])
- ✗ SHAvite-3 (INKcoin [INK])
- ✗ Bcrypt (Taojingcoin [TJC])
Under development
- P2P functionality for highly efficient block updates from daemon as a peer node
- node v0.10+
- coin daemon (preferably one with a relatively updated API and not some crapcoin :p)
Example Usage
Install as a node module by cloning repository
git clone node_modules/stratum-pool
npm update
Module usage
Create the configuration for your coin:
var myCoin = {
"name": "Dogecoin",
"symbol": "DOGE",
"algorithm": "scrypt", //or "sha256", "scrypt-jane", "scrypt-n", "quark", "x11"
"txMessages": false, //or true (not required, defaults to false)
If you are using the scrypt-jane
algorithm there are additional configurations:
var myCoin = {
"name": "Freecoin",
"symbol": "FEC",
"algorithm": "scrypt-jane",
"chainStartTime": 1375801200, //defaults to 1367991200 (YACoin) if not used
"nMin": 6, //defaults to 4 if not used
"nMax": 32 //defaults to 30 if not used
If you are using the scrypt-n
algorithm there is an additional configuration:
var myCoin = {
"name": "Execoin",
"symbol": "EXE",
"algorithm": "scrypt-n",
/* This defaults to Vertcoin's timetable if not used. It is required for scrypt-n coins that
have modified their N-factor timetable to be different than Vertcoin's. */
"timeTable": {
"2048": 1390959880,
"4096": 1438295269,
"8192": 1485630658,
"16384": 1532966047,
"32768": 1580301436,
"65536": 1627636825,
"131072": 1674972214,
"262144": 1722307603
If you are using the keccak
algorithm there are additional configurations (The rare normalHashing
keccak coins
such as Copperlark and eCoin don't appear to work yet, byt the popular ones like Maxcoin are):
var myCoin = {
"name": "eCoin",
"symbol": "ECN",
"algorithm": "keccak",
/* This is not required and set to false by default. Some coins such as Copperlark and eCoin
require it to be set to true. Maxcoin and most others are false. */
"normalHashing": true,
/* The rare normalHashing coins also require diff to be manually set here. Do not use for
typical keccak coins like Maxcoin. */
"diffShift": 32
Create and start new pool with configuration options and authentication function
var Stratum = require('stratum-pool');
var pool = Stratum.createPool({
"coin": myCoin,
"address": "mi4iBXbBsydtcc5yFmsff2zCFVX4XG7qJc", //Address to where block rewards are given
"blockRefreshInterval": 1000, //How often to poll RPC daemons for new blocks, in milliseconds
/* How many milliseconds should have passed before new block transactions will trigger a new
job broadcast. */
"txRefreshInterval": 20000,
/* Some miner apps will consider the pool dead/offline if it doesn't receive anything new jobs
for around a minute, so every time we broadcast jobs, set a timeout to rebroadcast
in this many seconds unless we find a new job. Set to zero or remove to disable this. */
"jobRebroadcastTimeout": 55,
//instanceId: 37, //Recommend not using this because a crypto-random one will be generated
/* Some attackers will create thousands of workers that use up all available socket connections,
usually the workers are zombies and don't submit shares after connecting. This features
detects those and disconnects them. */
"connectionTimeout": 600, //Remove workers that haven't been in contact for this many seconds
/* Sometimes you want the block hashes even for shares that aren't block candidates. */
"emitInvalidBlockHashes": false,
/* We use proper maximum algorithm difficulties found in the coin daemon source code. Most
miners/pools that deal with scrypt use a guesstimated one that is about 5.86% off from the
actual one. So here we can set a tolerable threshold for if a share is slightly too low
due to mining apps using incorrect max diffs and this pool using correct max diffs. */
"shareVariancePercent": 10,
/* Enable for client IP addresses to be detected when using a load balancer with TCP proxy
protocol enabled, such as HAProxy with 'send-proxy' param: */
"tcpProxyProtocol": false,
/* If a worker is submitting a high threshold of invalid shares we can temporarily ban their IP
to reduce system/network load. Also useful to fight against flooding attacks. If running
behind something like HAProxy be sure to enable 'tcpProxyProtocol', otherwise you'll end up
banning your own IP address (and therefore all workers). */
"banning": {
"enabled": true,
"time": 600, //How many seconds to ban worker for
"invalidPercent": 50, //What percent of invalid shares triggers ban
"checkThreshold": 500, //Check invalid percent when this many shares have been submitted
"purgeInterval": 300 //Every this many seconds clear out the list of old bans
/* Each pool can have as many ports for your miners to connect to as you wish. Each port can
be configured to use its own pool difficulty and variable difficulty settings. varDiff is
optional and will only be used for the ports you configure it for. */
"ports": {
"3032": { //A port for your miners to connect to
"diff": 32, //the pool difficulty for this port
/* Variable difficulty is a feature that will automatically adjust difficulty for
individual miners based on their hashrate in order to lower networking overhead */
"varDiff": {
"minDiff": 8, //Minimum difficulty
"maxDiff": 512, //Network difficulty will be used if it is lower than this
"targetTime": 15, //Try to get 1 share per this many seconds
"retargetTime": 90, //Check to see if we should retarget every this many seconds
"variancePercent": 30 //Allow time to very this % from target without retargeting
"3256": { //Another port for your miners to connect to, this port does not use varDiff
"diff": 256 //The pool difficulty
/* Recommended to have at least two daemon instances running in case one drops out-of-sync
or offline. For redundancy, all instances will be polled for block/transaction updates
and be used for submitting blocks. Creating a backup daemon involves spawning a daemon
using the "-datadir=/backup" argument which creates a new daemon instance with it's own
RPC config. For more info on this see:
- */
"daemons": [
{ //Main daemon instance
"host": "",
"port": 19332,
"user": "litecoinrpc",
"password": "testnet"
{ //Backup daemon instance
"host": "",
"port": 19344,
"user": "litecoinrpc",
"password": "testnet"
/* This allows the pool to connect to the daemon as a node peer to receive block updates.
It may be the most efficient way to get block updates (faster than polling, less
intensive than blocknotify script). It requires additional setup: the 'magic' field must
be exact (extracted from the coin source code). */
"p2p": {
"enabled": false,
/* Host for daemon */
"host": "",
/* Port configured for daemon (this is the actual peer port not RPC port) */
"port": 19333,
/* If your coin daemon is new enough (i.e. not a shitcoin) then it will support a p2p
feature that prevents the daemon from spamming our peer node with unnecessary
transaction data. Assume its supported but if you have problems try disabling it. */
"disableTransactions": true,
/* Magic value is different for main/testnet and for each coin. It is found in the daemon
source code as the pchMessageStart variable.
For example, litecoin mainnet magic:
And for litecoin testnet magic: */
"magic": "fcc1b7dc"
}, function(ip, workerName, password, callback){ //stratum authorization function
console.log("Authorize " + workerName + ":" + password + "@" + ip);
error: null,
authorized: true,
disconnect: false
Listen to pool events
'data' object contains:
job: 4, //stratum work job ID
ip: '', //ip address of client
worker: 'matt.worker1', //stratum worker name
height: 443795, //block height
reward: 5000000000, //the number of satoshis received as payment for solving this block
difficulty: 64, //stratum worker difficulty
shareDiff: 78, //actual difficulty of the share
blockDiff: 3349, //block difficulty adjusted for share padding
blockDiffActual: 3349 //actual difficulty for this block
//AKA the block solution - set if block was found
blockHash: '110c0447171ad819dd181216d5d80f41e9218e25d833a2789cb8ba289a52eee4',
//Exists if "emitInvalidBlockHashes" is set to true
blockHashInvalid: '110c0447171ad819dd181216d5d80f41e9218e25d833a2789cb8ba289a52eee4'
//txHash is the coinbase transaction hash from the block
txHash: '41bb22d6cc409f9c0bae2c39cecd2b3e3e1be213754f23d12c5d6d2003d59b1d,
error: 'low share difficulty' //set if share is rejected for some reason
pool.on('share', function(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data){
if (isValidBlock)
console.log('Block found');
else if (isValidShare)
console.log('Valid share submitted');
else if (data.blockHash)
console.log('We thought a block was found but it was rejected by the daemon');
console.log('Invalid share submitted')
console.log('share data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
'severity': can be 'debug', 'warning', 'error'
'logKey': can be 'system' or 'client' indicating if the error
was caused by our system or a stratum client
pool.on('log', function(severity, logKey, logText){
console.log(severity + ': ' + '[' + logKey + '] ' + logText);
Start pool
- vekexasia - co-developer & great tester
- [LucasJones(// - getting p2p block notify script working and fixed block hashing for various new algos
- TheSeven - answering an absurd amount of my questions, found the block 1-16 problem, provided example code for peer node functionality
- pronooob - knowledgeable & helpful
- Slush0 - stratum protocol, documentation and original python code
- viperaus - scrypt adaptions to python code
- ahmedbodi - more algo adaptions to python code
- steveshit - ported X11 hashing algo from python to node module
To support development of this project feel free to donate :)
- BTC:
- LTC:
- VTC:
- MAX:
- QRK:
- DRK:
- Cryptsy Trade Key:
Released under the GNU General Public License v2