Creates a button on any valid content item with a slug field that links directly to its frontend location.
Strapi plugin page-url-viewer
Run 'npm i strapi-page-url-viewer' to install from NPM
Open the plugins.js file located in 'cms/config/' and add the following:
'strapi-page-url-viewer': {
enabled: true
Run strapi's build script and wait for it to run its course.
After the Strapi instance has been started and is ready to access, click the plugin link on the left-hand menu to configure it. From here, enter the root URL of the frontend, this will then be used to construct the individual links in the content areas. Note that the plugin will only notice content that has a valid 'slug' field.
Make absolutely sure that the url in the config has either a 'https://' or at the very least 'http://' (usually a local address) at the very start, and avoid adding a '/' at the end (this is due to be made more automatic in future).