Strapi controller module to parse Markdown to HTML
Welcome to strapi-markdown-parser 👋
Strapi controller module to parse Markdown to HTML.
yarn add strapi-markdown-parser
Open your collection or single type's controller file (eg., ./api/{COLLECTION}/controllers/${COLLECTION}.js
), and add the following, substituting your collection or single type's name in the place of {COLLECTION}
. You can specify field names directly, or use the fieldsByType
helper utility to get the fields from the provided model matching the specified datatypes. This module uses Marked as its parser, therefore options correspond to the Marked API.
// Import parser, helper utility, and collection/component models
const { StrapiMarkdown, fieldsByType } = require('strapi-markdown-parser')
const model = require('../models/{COLLECTION}.settings.json')
const componentA = require('../../../components/{CATEGORY}/{COMPONENT}.json')
const componentB = require('../../../components/{CATEGORY}/{COMPONENT}.json')
// Standard fields are wrapped in <p> tags
const standardFields = ['body', 'summary']
// Inline fields are not wrapped in <p> tags
const inlineFields = ['title', 'photo.caption']
// Get field names by type using helper utility
const standardFields = fieldsByType(model, ['richtext'])
const inlineFields = fieldsByType(model, ['string', 'text'])
// Get field names by type, including components
const standardFields = fieldsByType([model, componentA], ['richtext'])
const inlineFields = fieldsByType([model, componentA, componentB], ['string', 'text'])
// Special feature: Include captions from all Strapi file upload types
const standardFields = ['caption', ...fieldsByType(model, ['richtext'])]
const inlineFields = fieldsByType(model, ['string'])
// Options for Marked Markdown parser (defaults shown)
const options = {
smartypants: true,
headerIds: false,
breaks: true
// Instantiate class
const { md } = new StrapiMarkdown(standardFields, inlineFields, options)
// Modify response data
module.exports = {
async find(ctx) {
const data = await{COLLECTION}.find(ctx.query)
return md(data)
async findOne(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.params
const data = await{COLLECTION}.findOne({ id })
return md(data)
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Feel free to check issues page.
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