Utiltities to handle pandas like data frames
Pandas like data-frame
This is an NPM package (Javascript), package name str-data-frame
Link to interactive data frame totorial
npm install --save str-data-frame
in your code import or require the package
const ff = require("str-data-frame")
Code Mirror Auto complete
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
The javascript code
const editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("editor"), {
mode: "javascript",
lineNumbers: true,
extraKeys: { "Ctrl-Space": "autocomplete" },
// Custom autocomplete function
function customHint(editor) {
const cursor = editor.getCursor();
const token = editor.getTokenAt(cursor);
const start = token.start;
const end =;
const word = token.string;
// Define your custom completion options
const list = ["function", "const", "let", "var", "console.log"].filter(item =>
return {
list: list,
from: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, start),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, end)
// Attach custom hinting function
editor.on("inputRead", function(cm, change) {
if (change.text[0].match(/\w/)) {
cm.showHint({ hint: customHint });
Package Functionalty
This is a utility library providing the following category of functionality
- Pandas (python) like data frame
- This allows you CSV like tabular data like an in memory databse table
- Loading and and initializing data from CSV and tsv files
- Filtering and sorting data
- Array processing utilities
- Frame processing
- Group by functionality (on multiple columns)
- Aggrigation functions supported
- max - maximun value from the aggridated list
- min - minumum value from the aggridated list
- sum - sum of the numeric values in the aggrigated list
- mean - mean of the numeric values
- StdDev - standard deviation of the numeric values
- Aggrigation functions supported
- SQL like Equality join of two frames
- Inner join
- Left join
- Right join
- Group by functionality (on multiple columns)
- Some general string processing and onject utilities
- arrayutils
- flatten
- intset
- prod - vector products
- colutils
- frame ^
- frame_element
- frequency