A Storybook decorator that allows you to build stories for your routing-aware components.
Storybook Vue3 Router
A Storybook decorator that allows you to use your Vue 3 routing-aware components.
If you want to build stories for Vue 3 components using <router-view>
or <router-link>
then you need to wrap your stories with vue-router
this addon will allow for you to easily do this.
There is also a mocked router decorator option for users who only need access to $route
and $router
How to use
This decorator works with Storybook's Component Story Format (CSF) and hoisted CSF annotations, which is the recommended way to write stories since Storybook 6. It has not been tested with the storiesOf API.
Storybook v6: Please use package version 2.x
Storybook v7: Please use package version 3+
See migration guides.
Install the decorator
npm install --save-dev storybook-vue3-router
// or
yarn add --dev storybook-vue3-router
Use in your stories
The default setup will create a vue-router
instance, with 2 routes (/
and /about
) - these can be reviewed in the defaultRoutes.ts file.
/* import storybook-vue3-router */
import { vueRouter } from 'storybook-vue3-router'
/* ...story setup... */
/* your story export */
export const Default = Template.bind({})
/* adding storybook-vue3-router decorator */
Default.decorators = [
/* this is the basic setup with no params passed to the decorator */
You can see the examples stories published on this demo.
Advanced usage
This decorator comes with optioal params for customising the implementation of your vue-router
within Storybook.
Custom Routes
/* define our custom routes */
const customRoutes = [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: HomeComponent // this would need to be defined/imported into the `.stories` file
path: '/about',
name: 'about',
component: AboutComponent // this would need to be defined/imported into the `.stories` file
/* adding storybook-vue3-router decorator */
Default.decorators = [
/* pass custom routes to the decorator */
Custom Routes (with guards)
/* define our custom routes */
const customRoutes = [
// ...
path: '/admin',
name: 'admin',
component: AdminComponent,
/* add per-route navigation guard */
beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
// ...
/* adding storybook-vue3-router decorator */
Default.decorators = [
/* pass custom routes to the decorator */
Custom Routes (with initial route)
By default the decorator will default the starting route to /
, if you want to change this you can pass as a paramtor to the decorator
/* define our custom routes */
const customRoutes = [
path: '/',
name: 'dashboard',
component: Dashboard
path: '/intro',
name: 'intro',
component: Intro
### With Router Options
We can pass [Vue Router options]( into our decorator.
/* adding storybook-vue3-router decorator */
Default.decorators = [
/* pass vueRouterOptions to the decorator */
vueRouter(undefined, {
vueRouterOptions: {
linkActiveClass: 'my-active-class',
linkExactActiveClass: 'my-exact-active-class'
If you have a router setup using router.isReady()
and / or you have components which require specific route / route data on created lifecycle hook you may need to use the asyncVueRouter
This export provides router which won't render story until router is ready.
Story setup
import { asyncVueRouter } from 'storybook-vue3-router'
/* define our custom routes */
const customRoutes = [
path: '/',
name: 'dashboard',
component: Dashboard
path: '/intro',
name: 'intro',
component: Intro
/* adding storybook-vue3-router decorator */
Default.decorators = [
/* pass initialRoute to the decorator */
asyncVueRouter(customRoutes, {
initialRoute: '/intro'
Preview.js Async Setup
In order to use async
router setup method, you will need to amend your .storybook/preview.js file to wrap stories in Vue 3's <Suspense>
component. This is because the decorator requires an async setup()
to correctly await router.isReady()
. You can modify preview to:
const preview = {
decorators: [
(story) => ({
components: { story },
template: '<Suspense><story /></Suspense>',
export default preview;
See the examples folder for more advanced usage.
Decorator Parameters
function vueRouter(routes: RouteRecordRaw[], options?: { initialRoute?: string, beforeEach?: NavigationGuard, vueRouterOptions?: RouterOptions })
function asyncVueRouter(routes: RouteRecordRaw[], options?: { initialRoute?: string, beforeEach?: NavigationGuard, vueRouterOptions?: RouterOptions })
Mock Router
The full vue-router
is not always needed - for example if you don't have components using <router-view>
or <router-link>
then using the mockRouter
export may cover your needs (and reduce the imports being used in your stories).
Note: mockRouter
will only work in instances where you are using options API this.$route
and/or this.$router
, it is not suitable for use-cases using vue router composables such as useRoute()
and useRouter()
Use mockRouter
in your stories
The default setup will create mock $router
and $route
from vue-router
, this allows you to create stories for components using programatic navigation and route based logic.
We can also pass custom options into the mockRouter
meta?: Array<string>,
params?: Array<string>,
query?: Array<string>
/* import storybook-vue3-router mockRouter */
import { mockRouter } from 'storybook-vue3-router'
/* ...story setup... */
/* your story export */
export const Default = Template.bind({})
/* adding storybook-vue3-router mockRouter decorator */
Default.decorators = [
meta: ['some_meta'],
params: ['some_param'],
query: ['some_query']
You can see examples of the mockRouter
in our storybook demo site, and our code examples
v2.x > v3+ Migration
v3.x version no longer uses default export for vueRouter
decorator, you will need to update to using named import:
/* DONT */
import vueRouter from 'storybook-vue3-router'
/* DO */
import { vueRouter } from 'storybook-vue3-router'
v1.x > v2.x Migration
The migration from v1 brings some breaking changes:
// v1.x - 2nd param is used to pass `beforeEach` router guard
// in this example the guard is used to fire a storybook action with `to` and `from` router objects
vueRouter(customRoutes, (to, from) => action('ROUTE CHANGED')({ to: to, from: from })) // LEGACY
// v2.1 - 2nd param is used to pass additional options to the decorator
vueRouter(customRoutes, {
/* add global beforeEach guard */
beforeEach: (to, from) => action('ROUTE CHANGED')({ to: to, from: from })
If you were previously using v1 with router guards in the second parameter, these will need to be refactored to use the route specific router guards (recommended) or you can pass your global route guards using the beforeEach
v2.0 DOES NOT HAVE THIS beforeEach
option, please upgrade to v2.1
⚠️ Warning:
When using the global beforeEach
option, if there is an existing story also using this decorator then we must force a page reload in order to setup the specific story router guard and this has a minor UX / performance impact. Checkout the demo for an example of this: README > With Router Guards > Global Guard - when clicking the 'Global Guard' link you will notice the page is refreshed to apply global guards (due to previously existing stories).
This will not be an issue if you are using this decorator for just one story.
After resolving this issue, to enable multiple stories to be created using different route setups, it was noticed that this caused the global beforeEach
function to be added on every route. For example every time you click a different story the new beforeEach
hook is added - but previous ones are not removed, this results in multiple guards firing on stories unrelated to the 'active' story.