Manage and mock your endpoints via Storybook panel
Storybook Rest Endpoint Mock
Manage and mock your endpoints via Storybook panel
Currently supports axios library.
What you can do?
Mock panel is a storybook addon to help mocking and managing mocked endpoints on a UI.
- Realistic data generating for response data
- Adding delay to response
- Changing response type dynamicly
- Mocking different response types
- Mocked requests and responses shown in console
Defining response schema
You can both define your schema props to generate dynamic data or to show directly static data.
- To define dynamic data, start with "$" sign such as $name.firstName
- Arrays in schema
- To get n number of array items add {{repeat(n)}} to your first item and your array's schema as second item
** We are using FakerJS behind, you can check FakerJS's Github to check their APIs.
"name": "$name.firstName",
"age": 33,
"scores": [
"point": "$random.number"
"places": [
"name": "$"
Above example will generate
"name": "Murat",
"age": 33,
"scores": [
"point": 5
"places": [
"name": "Istanbul"
"name": "Ankara"
Defining endpoints
- Static endpoint: /users/list
- For dynamic endpoints that has dynamic values
- /users//list?page=&limit=5
You can use asterix char in your endpoints to define that field is dynamic. Above second endpoint will match;
- /users/admin/list?page=1&limite=5
- /users/banned/list?page=2&limite=5
yarn add storybook-mock-rest -D
Step 1
Add to your storybook's addon config
import 'storybook-mock-rest/register';
Step 2
Add a mockify.js file under .storybook folder
const mockConfig = () => {
const config = {
// path where your mocks will be saved
mockPath: './mocks',
return config;
module.exports = {
Step 3
Bind your axios client to our mock api.
import { bindMock } from 'storybook-mock-rest';
const axiosClient = axios.create(); // implementation can be changed according to your needs.
Step 4
In your story file, add a mockPanel parameter. Type is the unique identifier that will map your story with mock panel.
export default {
title: 'My Component',
component: ListComponent,
parameters: {
mockPanel: {
type: 'list-component',
Step 5
You should run a mock server behind to generate dynamic datas. It should be start while you start your storybook. So you can add a simple script to your package.json file to run it.
"scripts": {
"mock-server": "node ./node_modules/storybook-mock-rest/dist/server.js"
- You can see your requests and their responses on your console
All contributions are welcome.
For bugs please visit issues page