<h1 align="center">
Description in medium
auto-load all stories in storybook by storybook-load
Table of Contents
storybook-loader is a package for storybook to automatically load ALL files in a folder.
storybook-loader analyze the webpack's require.context return value and load the analyzed results to storyies.
After finishing the configuration, you will be free from manually adding story, as storybook-loader will load it for you automatically.
storybook-loader is available as an npm package.
npm install --save--dev storybook-loader
How to use
Steps of loading javascript component
Create xxx.stories.js under the target folder.
import { loadJSStories } from 'storybook-loader'; const req = require.context('./'); loadJSStories(req);
Create sub folder and add js files.
The following structure:
./rootPattern1.js ./folder1/pattern1.js ./folder1/pattern2.js ./folder2/pattern1.jsx ./folder2/pattern2.jsx
will display like this(rootPattern1 will be ignored):
folder1 |-pattern1 |-pattern2 folder2 |-pattern1 |-pattern2
Steps of loading markdown
Create xxx.stories.js under the target folder.
storybook 4.x
import { loadMDStories } from 'storybook-loader'; import { doc } from 'storybook-readme'; const req = require.context('./'); const options = { // decorate md's content contentFuncList: [ doc, ], // [optional] hide AddOnPanel storySubFuncList: [ [ 'addParameters', [{ options: { showAddonPanel: false } }], ], ], } loadMDStories(req, options);
storybook 5.x
import { loadMDStories } from 'storybook-loader'; import { doc } from 'storybook-readme'; const req = require.context('./'); const options = { // decorate md's content contentFuncList: [ doc, ], // [optional] hide AddOnPanel storySubFuncList: [ [ 'addParameters', [{ options: { showPanel: false } }], ], ], } loadMDStories(req, options);
Create sub folder and add md files.
The following structure:
./ ./folder1/ ./folder1/ ./folder2/ ./folder2/
will display like this(rootPattern1 will be ignored):
folder1 |-pattern1 |-pattern2 folder2 |-pattern1 |-pattern2
Steps of loading javascript component with markdown
When you not only like to load js components, but also show notes in control panel.
Create xxx.stories.js under the target folder.
storybook 4.x
import { loadJSWithNotesStories } from 'storybook-loader'; import { withNotes } from '@storybook/addon-notes'; const req = require.context('./'); const options = { // [optional] you can also addDecorator(withNotes) in config.js storySubFuncList: [ [ 'addDecorator', [withNotes], ], ], }; loadJSWithNotesStories(reqList, options);
storybook 5.x
import { loadJSWithNotesStories } from 'storybook-loader'; const req = require.context('./'); loadJSWithNotesStories(reqList);
Create sub folder and add md files.
The following structure:
./folder1/pattern1.js ./folder1/ ./folder1/pattern2.js ./folder1/ ./folder2/pattern1.jsx ./folder2/ ./folder2/pattern2.jsx
will display like this
folder1 |-pattern1 (display folder1/ in notes panel) |-pattern2 (display folder1/ in notes panel) folder2 |-pattern1 (display folder2/ in notes panel) |-pattern2 (display nothing in notes panel)
| No. | Parameter | Required | Type | Default | Description |
| 1 | requireContext | 〇 | object / object list | | instance of require.context OR an object return the same architecture to require.context |
| 2 | options | | object | { groupByFolder: true, folderNameWhenEmpty: 'ALL' }
| *see options below for more details |
| 3 | thirdParamMakerOptions | | object | { loader: mdLoader, formatter: formatWithNotesObject }
| *see options below for more details |
Default: []
Description: list of sub functions in storiesOf to call
Attention: parameters of sub function MUST be an array
-- NO.1 -------------------------------------------------------- storySubFuncList: [ 'subFunc1', [ 'addDecorator', [withNotes] ], [ 'addParameters', [{ options: { showPanel: false } }] ], ] ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ stories.subFunc1(); stories.addDecorator(withNotes); stories.addParameters({ options: { showPanel: false } });
Default: [ ramda.identity ]
Description: list of pure functions for decorating file's contents. It's useful when you want to apply hocs(High Order Component) or hofs(High Order Function) to your content like withMUITheme, withLayout...
Attention: functions will receive ONLY ONE parameter -- the contents (could be string or React.Component). If function has more than one parameters, you can use util.unaryFunc to apply the rest parameters and then pass it to contentFuncList.
-- NO.1 -------------------------------------------------------- function decPrefixMsg(content, msg) { return `${msg}: ${content}`; } contentFuncList: [ util.unaryFunc(decPrefixMsg, ['MyMessage is']), ] ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ stories.add(fileName, decPrefixMsg(content, 'MyMessage is')); -- NO.2 -------------------------------------------------------- contentFuncList: [ withMUITheme, withLayout, ] ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ stories.add(fileName, withLayout(withMUITheme(content)));
Default: ''
Description: prefix of stories' name. If you've enabled hierarchyRootSeparator, xxx| will be the name of hierarchyRoot.
-- NO.1 -------------------------------------------------------- hierarchyRoot: 'Components|' ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ storiesOf('Components|' + folderName, module);
Default: true
Description: use folder name as the root stories' name.
Attention: If you set groupByFolder to false, all stories will be added to ONE root named by folderNameWhenEmpty(default is ALL).
-- NO.1 -------------------------------------------------------- groupByFolder: true /Button/Pattern1.js /Button/Pattern2.js /TextField/Pattern1.js ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Button - Pattern1 - Pattern2 TextField - Pattern1 -- NO.2 -------------------------------------------------------- groupByFolder: false /Button/Pattern1.js /Button/Pattern2.js /TextField/Pattern1.js ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ALL - Pattern1 (the second Pattern1 will be ignored) - Pattern2
Default: null
Description: function to make 3rd parameter of stories.add(xx, xx, 3rdParam). thirdParamMaker(instance of require.context, filePath).
Attention: this function is called after every single file is loaded.
Example: createMDThirdParamMaker
Default: true
Description: sort files by filename.
Default: (a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)
Description: sort function. sort by files asc as default.
Default: true
Description: display filename in menu without extention.
-- NO.1 -------------------------------------------------------- noExt: true /Button/Pattern1.js ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Button - Pattern1 -- NO.2 -------------------------------------------------------- noExt: false /Button/Pattern1.js ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Button - Pattern1.js
Default: null
Description: remove extention regexp.
Attention: if noExt is true, will use noExtRegExp > includeRegExp > regExpFromRequireContext.
Example: /\.md$/ to remove markdown's extention
Default: null
Description: regexp for include files by file's full path.
Attention: will use includeRegExp > regExpFromRequireContext.
Example: /\.md$/ to add *.md files only.
Default: null
Description: regexp for exclude files by file's full path.
Example: /\.stories.js$/ to exclude all *.stories.js.
Default: true
Description: ignore files under root folder (. folder)
Example: -- NO.1 -------------------------------------------------------- ignoreDotFolder: true
./Pattern1.js /Button/Pattern1.js ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Button - Pattern1 -- NO.2 -------------------------------------------------------- ignoreDotFolder: false ./Pattern1.js /Button/Pattern1.js ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ . - Pattern1 Button - Pattern1
Default: .
Description: used as folder name when it's a dot(.)
Example: -- NO.1 -------------------------------------------------------- ignoreDotFolder: false dotFolderName: 'RootFolder'
./Pattern1.js /Button/Pattern1.js ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ RootFolder - Pattern1 Button - Pattern1
third parameter options
ONLY nessacerry when use loadJSWithNotesStories or loadJsonWithNotesStories. Both of them are using createMDThirdParamMaker to make 3rd parameter in stories.add(xx, xx, 3rd param).
Default: mdLoader
Description: loader to load files for making third param
Default: formatWithNotesObject() in createMDThirdParamMaker
Description: format the content
function formatWithNotesObject(content) { return { notes: { markdown: content, }, }; }
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.