Storj-NodeJS bindings package
storj-nodejs binding
*Developed using RC v1.0.2 storj/uplink-c
Initial Set-up
NOTE: for Golang
Make sure your PATH
includes the $GOPATH/bin
directory, so that your commands can be easily used Refer: Install the Go Tools:
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
NOTE: for Nodejs
Please ensure Node.js with version 10 or higher is installed
Check its version
$ node -v
- Install node-gyp globally
$ npm install -g node-gyp
- Install the storj-nodejs Node.js package
$ npm install storj-nodejs
NOTE: for windows please ensure make is already installed.
Sample Hello Storj!
The sample HelloStorj.js code calls the libUplinkNode.js binding module to do the following: * create a new bucket within desired Storj project * list buckets on storj V3 * write a file from local system to the created Storj bucket * list object on storj V3 * read back the object from the Storj bucket to local system for verification * create share access * delete uploaded object * delete created bucket
Node.js-Storj Binding Functions
- function parse_accessc to parses serialized access grant string
- pre-requisites: None
- inputs: accessString (String)
- output: AccessResult (Object)
request_access_with_passphrasec(String, String, String)
- function request_access_with_passphrasec requests satellite for a new access grant using a passhprase
- pre-requisites: None
- inputs: satellite address (String),API key (String) and passphrase (String)
- output: AccessResult (Object)
config_request_access_with_passphrasec(Config ,String, String, String)
- function config_request_access_with_passphrasec requests satellite for a new access grant using a passhprase and config
- pre-requisites: None
- inputs: satellite address (String),API key (String) and passphrase (String)
- output: AccessResult (Object)
- function open_project opens project using access grant.
- pre-requisites: request_access_with_passphrasec or config_request_access_with_passphrasec
- inputs: Access (Object)
- output: ProjectResult (Object)
config_open_projectc(Config, Access)
- function open_project opens project using access grant and config
- pre-requisites: request_access_with_passphrasec or config_open_projectc
- inputs: Access (Object)
- output: ProjectResult (Object)
- function close_projectc closes the project.
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object)
- output: Error (Object)
stat_bucketc(Project, String)
- function stat_bucketc returns information about a bucket.
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object) ,Bucket Name (String)
- output: BucketResult (Object)
ensure_bucketc(Project, String)
- function ensure_bucketc creates a new bucket and ignores the error when it already exists
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object) ,Bucket Name (String)
- output: BucketResult (Object)
create_bucketc(Project, String)
- function create_bucketc creates a new bucket.
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object) ,Bucket Name (String)
- output: BucketResult (Object)
delete_bucketc(Project, String)
- function delete_bucketc deletes a bucket.
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (object) ,Bucket Name (string)
- output: BucketResult (object)
list_bucketsc(Project, ListBucketsOptions)
- function list_bucketsc lists buckets
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object) ,ListBucketsOptions(Object)
- output: BucketList (Object)
stat_objectc(Project, String, String)
- function stat_objectc information about an object at the specific key.
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object) ,Bucket Name (String) , Object Key(String)
- output: ObjectResult (Object)
upload_objectc(Project, String, String, Upload Options)
- function upload_objectc starts an upload to the specified key.
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object) ,Bucket Name (String) , Object Key(String) , Uplaod Options(Object)
- output: UploadResult (Object)
upload_writec(Upload, Pointer, size_t)
- function upload_writec uploads len(p) bytes from p to the object's data stream.
- pre-requisites: upload_objectc
- inputs: Upload (Object) ,Pointer(Buffer) , Length (size_t)
- output: WriteResult (Object)
download_objectc(Project, String, String, Download Options)
- function download_objectc starts download to the specified key.
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object), Buxcket Name(String), Object Key(String), Download Options(Object)
- output: DownloadResult (Object)
- function upload_commitc commits the uploaded data.
- pre-requisites: upload_objectc
- inputs: Upload (Object)
- output: Error (Object)
- function close_downloadc closes the download.
- pre-requisites: download_objectc
- inputs: Download (Object)
- output: Error (Object)
download_readc(Download, Pointer, size_t)
- function download_readc downloads from object's data stream into bytes up to length amount.
- pre-requisites: download_objectc
- inputs: Download (Object), Pointer (Buffer), Length(size_t)
- output: ReadResult (Object)
delete_objectc(Project, String, String)
- function delete_objectc deletes an object.
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object), Bucket Name (String), Object Key (String)
- output: ObjectResult (Object)
access_sharec(Access, Permission, SharePrefix, int)
- function access_sharec creates new access grant with specific permission. Permission will be applied to prefixes when defined.
- pre-requisites: parse_accessc
- inputs: Access (Object), Permission (Object), Share Prefix (Object), prefix count (int)
- output: String Result (Object)
list_objectsc(Project, String, ListObjectsOptions)
- function list_objectsc lists objects
- pre-requisites: open_projectc
- inputs: Project (Object), Bucket Name(String), ListObjectsOptions(Object)
- output: ObjectList (Object)
- function access_serializec serializes access grant into a string.
- pre-requisites: parse_accessc
- inputs: Access (Object)
- output: String Result (object)
- function upload_infoc returns the last information about the uploaded object.
- pre-requisites: upload_objectc
- inputs: Upload (Object)
- output: Object Result (object)
- function upload_abortc aborts an upload.
- pre-requisites: upload_objectc
- inputs: Upload (Object)
- output: Error (Object)
- function download_infoc returns information about the downloaded object.
- pre-requisites: download_objectc
- inputs: Download (Object)
- output: Object Result (Object)
upload_set_custom_metadatac(Upload, CustomMetadata)
- function upload_set_custom_metadatac set custom meta information
- pre-requisites: upload_objectc
- inputs: Upload (Object), CustomMetadata
- output: Error (object)
Tested On
- OS version : 10.15.3
- Node version : 13.6.0
- OS version : Windows 10
- Node version : v10.18.1
- OS version : 16.04
- Node version : 10.12.0