Tiny (180 bytes) event-based Redux-like state manager for React and Preact
A tiny event-based Redux-like state manager for React, Preact, Angular, Vue and Svelte.
- Small. 180 bytes (minified and gzipped). No dependencies. It uses Size Limit to control size.
- Fast. It tracks what parts of state were changed and re-renders only components based on the changes.
- Hooks. The same Redux reducers.
- Modular. API created to move business logic away from React components.
Read more about Storeon features in our article.
import { createStoreon } from 'storeon'
// Initial state, reducers and business logic are packed in independent modules
let count = store => {
// Initial state
store.on('@init', () => ({ count: 0 }))
// Reducers returns only changed part of the state
store.on('inc', ({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 }))
export const store = createStoreon([count])
import { useStoreon } from 'storeon/react' // or storeon/preact
export const Counter = () => {
// Counter will be re-render only on `state.count` changes
const { dispatch, count } = useStoreon('count')
return <button onClick={() => dispatch('inc')}>{count}</button>
import { StoreContext } from 'storeon/react'
<StoreContext.Provider value={store}>
<Counter />
tracks links and Back button click and allows you to open pages without reloading the whole page.@storeon/localstorage
saves and restores state tolocalStorage
synchronizes events between browser tabs.@storeon/undo
allows undoing or redoing the latest event.@storeon/websocket
to sync actions through WebSocket.
Third-party tools:
is router with data prefetch, modules lazy load, navigation cancellation, and routes modification on the fly.mariosant/storeon-streams
is side effects management library.octav47/storeonize
is migrating tool from Redux to Storeon.
npm install storeon
If you need to support IE, you need to compile node_modules
with Babel and
add Object.assign
polyfill to your bundle. You should have this polyfill
already if you are using React.
import assign from 'object-assign'
Object.assign = assign
The store should be created with the createStoreon()
function. It accepts a list
of functions.
Each function should accept a store
as the only argument and bind their event listeners using store.on()
// store/index.js
import { createStoreon } from 'storeon'
import { projects } from './projects'
import { users } from './users'
export const store = createStoreon([projects, users])
// store/projects.js
export function projects (store) {
store.on('@init', () => ({ projects: [] }))
store.on('projects/add', ({ projects }, project) => {
return { projects: projects.concat([project]) }
The store has 3 methods:
will return current state. The state is always an, callback)
will add an event, data)
will emit an event with optional data.
There are three built-in events:
will be fired increateStoreon
. Bind to this event to set the initial state.@dispatch
will be fired on every new action (onstore.dispatch()
calls and@changed
events). It receives an array with the event name and the event’s data. Can be useful for debugging.@changed
will be fired when any event changes the state. It receives object with state changes.
To add an event listener, call store.on()
with the event name and a callback function.
store.on('@dispatch', (state, [event, data]) => {
console.log(`Storeon: ${ event } with `, data)
will return a cleanup function. Calling this function will remove
the event listener.
const unbind = store.on('@changed', …)
You can dispatch any other events. Just do not start event names with @
If the event listener returns an object, this object will update the state. You do not need to return the whole state, return an object with changed keys.
// users: {} will be added to state on initialization
store.on('@init', () => ({ users: { } }))
An event listener accepts the current state as the first argument, optional event object as the second and optional store object as the third.
So event listeners can be reducers as well. As in Redux’s reducers, your should change immutable.
store.on('users/save', ({ users }, user) => {
return {
users: { ...users, []: user }
store.dispatch('users/save', { id: 1, name: 'Ivan' })
You can dispatch other events in event listeners. It can be useful for async operations.
store.on('users/add', async (state, user) => {
try {
await api.addUser(user)
store.dispatch('users/save', user)
} catch (e) {
For functional components, the useStoreon
hook will be the best option:
import { useStoreon } from 'storeon/react' // Use 'storeon/preact' for Preact
const Users = () => {
const { dispatch, users, projects } = useStoreon('users', 'projects')
const onAdd = useCallback(user => {
dispatch('users/add', user)
return <div>
{ => <User key={} user={user} projects={projects} />)}
<NewUser onAdd={onAdd} />
For class components, you can use the connectStoreon()
import { connectStoreon } from 'storeon/react' // Use 'storeon/preact' for Preact
class Users extends React.Component {
onAdd = () => {
this.props.dispatch('users/add', user)
render () {
return <div>
{ => <User key={} user={user} />)}
<NewUser onAdd={this.onAdd} />
export default connectStoreon('users', 'anotherStateKey', Users)
hook and connectStoreon()
accept the list of state keys to pass
into props
. It will re-render only if this keys will be changed.
Storeon supports debugging with Redux DevTools Extension.
import { storeonDevtools } from 'storeon/devtools';
const store = createStoreon([
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && storeonDevtools
DevTools will also warn you about typo in event name. It will throw an error if you are dispatching event, but nobody subscribed to it.
Or if you want to print events to console
you can use the built-in logger.
It could be useful for simple cases or to investigate issues in error trackers.
import { storeonLogger } from 'storeon/devtools';
const store = createStoreon([
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && storeonLogger
Storeon delivers TypeScript declarations which allows to declare type of state and optionally declare types of events and parameter.
If a Storeon store has to be fully type safe the event types declaration
interface has to be delivered as second type to createStore
import { createStoreon, StoreonModule } from 'storeon'
import { useStoreon } from 'storeon/react' // or storeon/preact
// State structure
interface State {
counter: number
// Events declaration: map of event names to type of event data
interface Events {
// `inc` event which do not goes with any data
'inc': undefined
// `set` event which goes with number as data
'set': number
const counterModule: StoreonModule<State, Events> = store => {
store.on('@init', () => ({ counter: 0}))
store.on('inc', state => ({ counter: state.counter + 1}))
store.on('set', (state, event) => ({ counter: event}))
const store = createStoreon<State, Events>([counterModule])
const Counter = () => {
const { dispatch, count } = useStoreon<State, Events>('count')
// Correct call
dispatch('set', 100)
// Compilation error: `set` event do not expect string data
dispatch('set', "100")
// Correct calls:
store.dispatch('set', 100)
// Compilation errors:
store.dispatch('inc', 100) // `inc` doesn’t have data
store.dispatch('set', "100") // `set` event do not expect string data
store.dispatch('dec') // Unknown event
In order to work properly for imports, consider adding
allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true
to tsconfig.json
Server-Side Rendering
In order to preload data for server-side rendering, Storeon provides the
function to create your own useStoreon
hooks that
depend on your custom context.
// store.jsx
import { createContext, render } from 'react' // or preact
import { createStoreon, StoreonModule } from 'storeon'
import { customContext } from 'storeon/react' // or storeon/preact
const store = …
const CustomContext = createContext(store)
// useStoreon will automatically recognize your storeon store and event types
export const useStoreon = customContext(CustomContext)
<CustomContext.Provider value={store}>
<Counter />
// children.jsx
import { useStoreon } from '../store'
const Counter = () => {
const { dispatch, count } = useStoreon('count')
dispatch('set', 100)
Tests for store can be written in this way:
it('creates users', () => {
let addUserResolve
jest.spyOn(api, 'addUser').mockImplementation(() => new Promise(resolve => {
addUserResolve = resolve
let store = createStoreon([usersModule])
store.dispatch('users/add', { name: 'User' })
expect(api.addUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name: 'User' })
expect(store.get().users).toEqual([{ name: 'User' }])
We recommend to keep business logic away from components. In this case, UI kit (special page with all your components in all states) will be the best way to test components.
For instance, with UIBook you can mock store and show notification
on any dispatch