Util for American stock market timing. Calculate the next minute that the NYSE will be open.
Util for American stock market timing.
Calculate the next minute that the NYSE will be open.
How it works:
- gets business days via
- gets holidays via
- gets trading session time via
[9:30am - 4:00pm]
I haven't tested this very much so use at your own risk
npm i stock-market-clock
var smc = require('stock-market-clock');
// uses ISO 8601 date strings -- new Date().toISOString()
// YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
// marketTimeData(isoString, skipFindNext?=false) //set skipFindNext to true if you dont care about finding the upcoming open market time
console.log(smc.marketTimeData("2022-09-23T19:59:00.000Z")) //3:59pm on a friday
// {
// marketMinute: 389, //same as value returned by .getMinutesIntoMarketDay
// skippableDaysAhead: 2, //0 for monday, 2 for friday [2-day weekend], 3 for longer weekend, etc //[null if skipFindNext=true]
// isHoliday: false,
// isWeekend: false,
// marketIsOpenToday: true,
// marketIsOpenNow: true,
// dateStr: '2022-09-23T19:59:00.000Z',
// dateStrEST: '2022-09-23 03:59pm EDT',
// nextMarketOpenDateStr: '2022-09-26T13:30:00.000Z', // [null if skipFindNext=true]
// nextMarketOpenDateStrEST: '2022-09-26 09:30am EDT' //9:30am upcoming monday [null if skipFindNext=true]
// }
// getNextMarketOpenTime(isoString, skipFindNext?=false)
console.log(smc.getNextMarketOpenTime("2022-09-20T13:30:00.000Z")) //9:30am
// "2022-09-20T13:31:00.000Z" //one minute later
console.log(smc.getNextMarketOpenTime("2022-09-19T19:59:00.000Z")) //3:59pm
// "2022-09-20T13:30:00.000Z" //9:30am the next day
// util to add time units to isostring and return another isostring
console.log(smc.timeStrAddTime("2022-09-20T13:30:00.000Z", 7, "minutes"));
// "2022-09-20T13:37:00.000Z"
//get how many minutes into the market day we are [negative if time is outside market hours [time until next 9:30am] -- note -- treats weekends/holidays the same! ]
console.log(smc.getMinutesIntoMarketDay("2022-09-20T13:30:00.000Z")) //0
console.log(smc.getMinutesIntoMarketDay("2022-09-20T13:29:00.000Z")) //-1
console.log(smc.getMinutesIntoMarketDay("2022-09-23T19:59:00.000Z")) //389
console.log(smc.getMinutesIntoMarketDay("2022-09-23T20:00:00.000Z")) //390
console.log(smc.getMinutesIntoMarketDay("2022-09-23T20:02:00.000Z")) //-778 //minutes until next 9:30am
//util to convert interval of candles [merged candles line up with clock, eg n=15 means candles start at 9:30, 9:45, etc]
// var n = 15;
// var mergedCandles = smc.convertToNMinuteIntervals(candles, n)
//where candles = [{date, open, high, low, close, volume}, ...] with date set to be an iso date string like "2022-11-21T05:00:00.000Z"
// util to generate list of market open days from a starting date isostring + session hours
console.log(smc.getListOfMarketDays("2022-09-20T13:30:00.000Z", 5))
// [
// {
// dateStr: '2022-09-20',
// from: '9:30 am',
// to: '4:00 pm',
// start: '2022-09-20T13:30:00.000Z',
// end: '2022-09-20T20:00:00.000Z'
// },
// {
// dateStr: '2022-09-21',
// from: '9:30 am',
// to: '4:00 pm',
// start: '2022-09-21T13:30:00.000Z',
// end: '2022-09-21T20:00:00.000Z'
// },
// ...