A Stimulus controller that registers a MapLibre map with some configurations
Stimulus MapLibre controller
A Stimulus controller that registers a MapLibre map with some configurations.
Attention: This library is still in early development. Expect breaking changes and incomplete documentation.
What is this?
Basically, this is a wrapper around MapLibre GL JS. It handles some boilerplate that is needed for most maps. The idea is to use this as a base and write controllers that extend this one to add more features to the map.
You can currently:
- define a map center
- define a zoom level
- define a min and max zoom level
- define if the map should be interactive
- use your own style URL or style specification
- [x] Remove default OSM style and require active provision of style URL? (see the OSM policy)
- [x] general housekeeping
- [ ] figure out NPM publishing
- [ ] enhance docs
- [x] setup GitHub Action for CI
- [ ] improve error messages (more specific)
- [ ] Validate lat/lng so they only allow realistic values (-90 - 90 and -180 - 180)
- [x] consider removing marker functionaloty as it may be too specific (this should really only handle the basics)
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start a development server:
npm run dev
Run the tests:
npm run test
- The Maplibre CSS has to be present in your own HTML
- Peer dependencies? Which?
- Node v16 or higher