Small lib for organize your JS by modules with state management and DOM elements autoselection
Small lib for organize your JS by modules with state management and DOM elements autoselection
JS docs here
via NPM
npm i stimp
or via Yarn
yarn add stimp
or from CDN:
<script src=""></script>
Apps and modules for project organization
import Stimp from 'stimp'; = new Stimp.App('main'); // create app with name "main"
const helloModule = app.addModule(Stimp.Module, 'hello'); // add module with name "hello"
helloModule.onInit(() => { // add some module code
console.log('I have just init!');
app.init(); // init the app
You can access the module by "app.modules.hello".
State management in React.js style
const statefulModule = app.addModule(Stimp.Module, 'statefulModule', { // add stateful module
isShow: false, // initial state
statefulModule.onInit(() => {
setInterval(() => {
statefulModule.setState({ // setting the new state
isShow: !statefulModule.state.isShow
}, 1000);
statefulModule.onUpdateIsShow = (currentVal, prevVal) => { // add reaction on state change
console.log(`now isShow is ${currentVal}, but before it was ${prevVal}`);
DOM elements auto selection for each module
On frontend you often need to interact with DOM. To do that you need to select elements (by jQuery or native JS functions). Stimp can do it for you without any JS-code. You just need to add some HTML-attributes to target tags. For example, we have this html:
<div -m="menu" class="menu">
<div class="menu__cont">
<button -ch="burger" class="menu__burger">open</button>
<nav -ch="nav">
<li -ch="navEl" -i="link1"><a href="#">link 1</a></li>
<li -ch="navEl" -i="link2"><a href="#">link 2</a></li>
<li -ch="navEl" -i="link3"><a href="#">link 3</a></li>
<li -ch="navEl" -i="link4"><a href="#">link 4</a></li>
<li -ch="navEl" -i="link5"><a href="#">link 5</a></li>
<li -ch="navEl" -i="link6"><a href="#">link 6</a></li>
<li -ch="navEl" -i="link7"><a href="#">link 7</a></li>
There are 3 custom attributes:
- "-m" for module scope - use here exact module name
- "-ch" for module children - use here any value
- "-i" for module's children list, but with separate it by ID - use here any value
In JS we add this code:
const menu = app.addModule(Stimp.DOMInteractModule, 'menu', { // add dom interactive module
isShow: false, // initial state
menu.onAfterDomInit(() => { // after DOM was selected
let dom = menu.dom; // access to the DOM elements
let root = menu.dom.root; // access to the root module element with attribute "-m"
let burger = menu.dom.burger; // access to the child element with attribute "-ch='burger'"
let navEls = menu.dom.navEl; // access to the child elements with attribute -ch="navEl" -i="*"
let firstNavEl = navEls.link1; // access to the child elements with attribute -ch="navEl" -i="link1"
burger.addEventListener('click', () => { // add some state changing on burger button click
menu.setState({ isShow: !menu.state.isShow });
menu.onUpdateIsShow = (currentVal, prevVal) => { // add reaction on state change
if (currentVal) { // if isShow is true - add class 'show' to the module root
} else { // if isShow is false - remove class 'show'
Modules init by their depends (when module "A" should be initialized before module "B")
In some cases you need to init modules in exact order. To do that you can use module dependencies.
const a = app.addModule(Stimp.DOMInteractModule, 'a', {}); // module a
const b = app.addModule(Stimp.DOMInteractModule, 'b', {}, ['a']); // module b with module a in dependencies
const c = app.addModule(Stimp.DOMInteractModule, 'c', {}, ['a']); // module c with module b in dependencies
const d = app.addModule(Stimp.DOMInteractModule, 'd', {}, ['c', 'a']); // module d with module c and a in dependencies
The modules will init in this order:
- module a
- module b and module c in any order
- module d after module a and c was init