React UI Components
Configurable and extendable UI components for React (beta).
This lib features UI and layout components that are easy to configure and extend both locally as globally.
The components accept a css object that can contain any styles, css selectors, pseudo-classes and media-queries; special props and tags can be used for quickly put together complex layouts.
On the global level, the theme of all components can be modified and extended.
$ npm i stijl --S
import React from 'react'
import {start, ui, theme} from 'stijl'
import {color} from 'd3-color'
// we will extend the default theme with a new
// background and action colors
const myExtension = {
theme: {
background: 'lightgray',
action: 'steelblue',
// Before using any component, run `start()`
// pass any extensions here
class Home extends React.Component {
render() {
// All components come with default flex-box styles
return <ui.Row>
// you can use the css prop for doing custom local styles
background: theme.backgroundCard,
// it accepts css selectors, pseudo-classes and media-queries
'> p': {fontWeight: 'bold'},
':hover': {background: color(theme.action).brighter(1)},
'@media (max-width: 600px)': {background: 'blue'},
// special props are available for consistent configuration
// of spaces and spacing according to the theme
<ui.H1>Heading 1</ui.H1>
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries
Vokalia and Consonantia, <ui.A href='#'>there live the blind
texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right</ui.A> at the
coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.
Named Exports
start(extensions: ?Array<{theme: ?Object|Function, css: ?Object|Function, ui: ?Object|Function}>)
Before using the UI components, call start()
with any extensions you want to apply. More Info: Extensions tutorial
ui: Object<{[componentName]: ReactClass}>
All components in ui
accept all the props that html tags can accept, they receive a default element style and a tag style created using the theme object. More info: "Theme Logic".
The default style applied to all components"
alignContent: 'flex-start',
alignItems: 'stretch',
border: '0 solid black',
boxSizing: 'borderBox',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
flexShrink: 0,
margin: 0,
minWidth: 0,
padding: 0,
position: 'relative',
The base UI components rely on flex-box for their composition and layout. More info "Layout Examples"
A css prop is available for extending the style of the component. Also, several specific margin and padding props are available for quickly configuring spacing while keeping a consistent grid. More info: "Spacing logic"
css: ?Object
Add a new style to the object. It accepts anything that can go into React inline styles, it can also handle css selectors, pseudo-classes and media-queries. Under the hood this object is converted to one or more css rules with hashed class names, if those rules don't already exist they are inserted into the document, the resulting class names are then added to the component.
More info: "The css object".
<Col css={{
color: 'blue',
flexGrow: 1,
height: 100,
'> p': {fontWeight: 'bold},
':hover': {background: 'lightgray'},
'@media (max-width: 600px)': {height: 50},
marginAuto: ?bool
Set all the margins to auto
<Col marginAuto/>
margin: ?bool
marginHalf: ?bool
marginQuarter: ?bool
marginDouble: ?bool
Set margins left and right to the amount of the space in thetheme
, to half that amount or to double that amount
ui.H0: ReactClass
A <div/>
element with a fontSize
equals to theme.scale[0]
. It's meant to be used as hero title.
ui.H1: ReactClass
A <h1/>
element with a fontSize
equals to theme.scale[1]
ui.H2: ReactClass
A <h2/>
element with a fontSize
equals to theme.scale[2]
ui.H3: ReactClass
A <h3/>
element with a fontSize
equals to theme.scale[3]
ui.H4: ReactClass
A <h4/>
element with a fontSize
equals to theme.scale[4]
ui.H5: ReactClass
A <h5/>
element with a fontSize
equals to theme.scale[5]
ui.H6: ReactClass
A <h6/>
element with a fontSize
equals to theme.scale[6]
ui.P: ReactClass
ui.A: ReactClass
ui.Hr: ReactClass
ui.Span: ReactClass
ui.Pre: ReactClass
ui.Blockquote: ReactClass
ui.Code: ReactClass
ui.Form: ReactClass
ui.Input: ReactClass
ui.Button: ReactClass
ui.Select: ReactClass
ui.Window: ReactClass
ui.Col: ReactClass
A <div/>
with flex-direction: column
ui.Row: ReactClass
A <div/>
with flex-direction: row
ui.RowWrap: ReactClass
A <div/>
with flex-direction: row
and flex-wrap: wrap
ui.Space: ReactClass
This object creates a space with a flex-basis equal to one space from the theme
. This space can be horizontal or vertical according to the flex-direction of the container.
ui.SpaceHalf: ReactClass
Same as the ui.Space
, but with half the
ui.SpaceDouble: ReactClass
Same as the ui.Space
, but with double the
ui.SpaceTriple: ReactClass
Same as the ui.Space
, but with three times the