stellar batch payment library
Stellar Batch Payment Library
Batch payment library for Stellar
Install the package with:
npm install stellar-batch-payment --save
The library needs to be configured with fee payer accounts (max 50).
const BatchPayment = require('stellar-batch-payment');
const batchPayment = new BatchPayment({
defaultMemo: 'thx from batch payment lib',
fee: 101,
feePayersSecrets: [ 'SDL...A2J', 'SFK...ABJ', ... ]
- batchSize
Number of payments per transaction.
Default value:100
Required: false - defaultMemo
Default value for payments without memo.
Required: false - fee
The max fee willing to pay per operation (in stroops) .
Default value: 100
Required: false - feePayersSecrets
Array of fee payers secret keys .
Required: true - publicNetUri
Public horizon uri.
Default value:""
Required: false - testNetUri
Testnet horizon uri.
Default value:""
Required: false - useTestnet
if true then the testnet will be used.
Default value:true
Required: false
Batch payments from csv
The csv file must have the next headers:
amount, destination, asset.code, asset.issuer, memo.value, memo.type
- destination can be Ed25519 public key or federated addresses
- if the payment is XLM then the issuer can be empty
- memo fields are optional
const stream = batchPayment.fromCsv(
'GDN...F2K', // source public key
['SKY...MZQ'], // signers of source account - secret keys
'source.csv' // source csv file path
const outputStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.csv');
outputStream.write(`transactionId, error, amount, accountId, destination, asset.code, asset.issuer, memo.value, memo.type`)
stream.on('data', (item) => {
const { items, transactionId, error } = item;
let err = error || '';
items.forEach((i) => {
const { amount, asset, accountId, destination, memo } = i;
outputStream.write(`${transactionId}, ${err}, ${amount}, ${accountId || ''}, ${destination}, ${asset.code}, ${asset.issuer}, ${JSON.stringify(memo && (memo.value || memo || ''))}, ${memo && (memo.type || '')}`)
Batch payments from array
const payments = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// asset: { code: 'XLM', issuer: '' },
// memo: { type: 'text', value: 'my memo' },
asset: { code: 'MyAsset', issuer: 'GCN...S2K' },
amount: '1',
destination: 'GCD...FXP',
'GDN...F2K', // source public key
['SKY...MZQ'], // signers of source account - secret keys
payments // array of payments
.then((result) => {
console.log('response', result);
Batch payments from stream (object mode)
const payments = new Stream.Readable({objectMode: true});
const stream = batchPayment.fromStream(
'GDN...F2K', // source public key
['SKY...MZQ'], // signers of source account - secret keys
payments // source stream (object mode)
stream.on('data', (item) => {
const { items, transactionId, error } = item;
let err = error || '';
items.forEach((i) => {
const { amount, asset, accountId, destination, memo } = i;
console.log(`${transactionId}, ${err}, ${amount}, ${accountId || ''}, ${destination}, ${asset.code}, ${asset.issuer}, ${JSON.stringify(memo && (memo.value || memo || ''))}, ${memo && (memo.type || '')}`)
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
// asset: { code: 'XLM', issuer: '' },
// memo: { type: 'text', value: 'my memo' },
asset: { code: 'MyAsset', issuer: 'GCN...S2K' },
amount: '1',
destination: 'GCD...FXP',
// end the stream
Run all tests:
$ npm install
$ npm test
Run a single test suite:
$ npm run mocha -- test/helpers/utils.spec.js
Run a single test (case sensitive):
$ npm run mocha -- test/helpers/utils.spec.js --grep 'resolveAddress'