> loyal, firm, and dependable - solid or substantial in construction
loyal, firm, and dependable - solid or substantial in construction
Staunch is a highly opinionated Redux-style state management system for large-scale apps. Powered by ImmutableJS & RxJS. It's designed to handle both the synchronous state-updates we've all come to love, along with providing best-in-game async support via the mighty RxJS.
We're talking serious power/safety here - combine this with a tiny view library Preact, and you have the tools to build something amazing.
Example bundle 41.3kb (min+gzipped)
- ImmutableJS
- Rx-Lite
- Staunch-store
- Preact
So Staunch, Rx-Lite, ImmutableJS + Preact all together weigh in at less than 42kb combined - this means it's not really suitable for micro-apps, but if you're already using Immutable or Rx in a project, you can add Staunch on top without issue :)
Note, RxJS & ImmutableJS are requirements, you'll need to install them separately.
yarn add rx immutable staunch-store
npm i rx immutable staunch-store --save
Change feed for entire store, or any part of the state object.
No joke, just specify which 'path' on the tree you're interested in and you'll only be notified when the data has actually changed.
const { createStore } = require('staunch-store');
const store = createStore({user: {name: 'Shane'}});
// listen to the entire state tree for changes
.subscribe(state =>
console.log('updated state', state)
// or listen to just the 'user' section of the state
.subscribe(user =>
console.log('updated state', user)
// dispatch an action
store.dispatch({type: 'USER_AUTH'});
Complete safety and removal of defensive coding patterns
The true power of immutable data can only be realised when you go 'all-in'. Staunch will
convert your initial state, or any that's added on the fly into ImmutableJS Maps or Lists automatically.
This allows you the freedom to just code your state updates without having to worry about mutating anything.
Say good riddance to Object.assign
once and for all!
import { createStore } from 'staunch-store';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
// initial user state
const intitial = {user: {name: 'shane'}};
// create store + add a reducer that will be
// bound to the 'user' path
const store = createStore(intitial, {
user: function userReducer (user, action) {
switch(action.type) {
case 'USER_AUTH':
// look ma, no Object.assign in sight!
return user.set('auth', action.payload);
return user;
Async built in
Nothing solves async like Rx does. Taking inspiration from redux-observable
and building upon it,
Staunch has side effects nailed. Effects are just functions that take a stream of actions
and return more actions.
import { createStore } from 'staunch-store';
const initial = {user: {auth: false}};
* User reducer
function userReducer (user, action) {
switch(action.type) {
case 'USER_FETCH':
return user.set('loading', true);
return user.set('data', action.payload);
return user
.set('data', {})
.set('message', action.payload)
return user;
* action$ here is a stream of all actions that occur
* When USER_FETCH is fired, it will trigger an ajax request
* mapping the result (or error) to other actions that
* affect the state.
function userEffect(action$) {
return action$.ofType('USER_FETCH')
.flatMapLatest(({action, state}) => {
return fetch(action.payload.url).then(x => x.json())
.map(result => {
return {
payload: result
.catch(err => {
return Rx.Observable.of({
payload: err.message
// store with
// 1. initial state
// 2. reducer bound to 'user' path
// 3. the userEffect fn
const store = createStore(initial, {
user: userReducer
}, userEffect);
* Now fire the USER_AUTH action
store.dispatch({type: 'USER_AUTH'});