A lightweight application stats tracker and logger
A lightweight node module for capturing application statistics and writing them to a specified backend.
The goal of this module is to provide a single consistent interface to capture a wide variety of application statistics, and record those statistics to an independent backend (e.g. a text file stats log, a redis instance, StackDriver, etc.).
$ npm install stats-logger
Once configured, stats are easily tracked by calling recordStat.
var stats = require('stats-logger').createInstance(60000, 'file', {filename: './stats.log', outputFormat: "{lastFlushTime} {myStat1} {myStat2}");
stats.addStat("myStat1", "counter");
stats.addStat("myStat2", "max");
stats.addStat("myStat3", "snapshot");
recordStat("myStat1", 1);
recordStat("myStat2", 15);
recordStat("myStat3", 25);
createInstance(flushInterval, backend, backendConfig, [stats])
Creates an instance of stats logger, with the following arguments:
time in ms between flushing stats to the backendbackend
the type of backendbackendConfig
a JSON object containing backend-specific configuration optionsstats
an optional JSON object containing stats to be initialized
In this example, a statsLogger is initialized with a flushInterval of 60 seconds, and will output to a file stats.log in the current directory. A stat called myStat1 will be initialized.
var backendConfig = {filename: "./stats.log"", outputFormat: "{lastFlushTime} {lastFlushTimeUnix {myStat1}"};
var initialStats = {myStat1: {type: "counter", options: {initialValue: 1}};
var stats = require('stats-logger').createInstance(60000, 'file', backendConfig, initialStats);
addStat(name, type, options)
Adds a stat to be tracked. Takes the following arguments:
the unique of the stat to be trackedtype
the type of stat to be trackedoptions
stat-specific options
stats.addStat("myStat", "counter", {initialValue: 1, resetValue: 0});
Removes the stat with the specified name
recordStat(name, value)
Records a stat called name
with the value value
Gets the current value of the stat name
Starts the flushing of stats at every time interval specified by flushInterval
Stops the flushing of stats
Closes the connection to the backend, and removes all stat tracking
Manually flushes stats to the configured backend
Stat Types
Increment and decrement by the passed value. If no value is passed, automatically defaults to incrementing by 1, or by the supplied incrementFactor.
The initial value of the counter. Defaults to 0.resetValue
The value to reset the counter by after each flush. Defaults to 0.incrementFactor
The value to increment by if no value is passed. Defaults to 1.suppressReset
if true, then does not reset the counter on flush. Defaults to false.
addStat("myStat", "counter", {initialValue: 1, resetValue: 1, incrementFactor: 2});
recordStat("myStat"); // value is now 3
recordStat("myStat"); // value is now 5
recordStat("myStat", 1); // value is now 6
recordStat("myStat", -3); // value is now 3
Tracks the maximum value of all values passed during the flush interval.
The initial value of the counter. Defaults to null.resetValue
The value to reset the counter by after each flush. Defaults to null.suppressReset
if true, then does not reset the counter on flush. Defaults to false.
addStat("myStat", "max", {initialValue: 1, resetValue: 1});
recordStat("myStat", 3); // value is 3
recordStat("myStat", 5); // value is 5
recordStat("myStat", 1); // value is 5
recordStat("myStat", -3); // value is 5
Tracks the minimum value of all values passed during the flush interval.
The initial value of the counter (defaults to ). Defaults to null.resetValue
The value to reset the counter by after each flush. Defaults to null.suppressReset
if true, then does not reset the counter on flush. Defaults to false.
addStat("myStat", "min", {initialValue: 1, resetValue: 1});
recordStat("myStat", 3); // value is 3
recordStat("myStat", 5); // value is 3
recordStat("myStat", 1); // value is 1
recordStat("myStat", -3); // value is -3
A static value snapshot - set to the value passed at every recording of the stat.
The initial value of the counter (defaults to ). Defaults to null.resetValue
The value to reset the counter by after each flush. Defaults to null.suppressReset
if true, then does not reset the counter on flush. Defaults to false.
addStat("myStat", "min", {initialValue: 1, resetValue: 1});
recordStat("myStat", 3); // value is 3
recordStat("myStat", 5); // value is 5
recordStat("myStat", 1); // value is 1
recordStat("myStat", -3); // value is -3
Calculates the mean of values passed.
There are two types of means - count means, which calculate the mean as the sum of the values passed / number of times recordStat is invoked, and stat means, which calculate the mean as the sum of the values passed / some other stat that is being tracked.
'count' or 'stat', the type of mean. Defaults to 'count'.divisorStat
If meanType is 'stat', the name of the stat to use as the divsior.dividendStat
If meanType is 'stat', the name of the stat to use as the dividendinitialValue
The initial value of the counter (defaults to ). Defaults to null.resetValue
The value to reset the counter by after each flush. Defaults to null.suppressReset
if true, then does not reset the counter on flush. Defaults to false.fractionDigits
the number of fracitonal digits to the right of the decimal place to round to
Sample count mean type
addStat("myStat", "mean");
recordStat("myStat", 3); // value is 3 / 1 = 3
recordStat("myStat", 5); // value is 8 / 2 = 4
recordStat("myStat", 1); // value is 9 / 3 = 3
recordStat("myStat", -3); // value is 6 / 4 = 2.5
Sample stat mean type, with only a divisor stat
addStat("baseStat", "counter");
addStat("myStat", "mean", {meanType: 'stat', divisorStat: 'baseStat');
recordStat('baseStat', 10);
recordStat("myStat", 30); // value is 30 / 10 = 3
recordStat("myStat", 20); // value is 40 / 10 = 5
recordStat("baseStat", 15); // value of baseStat is now 25, and value of myStat is now 2
recordStat("myStat", 25); // value is 75 / 25 = 3
Sample stat mean type, with both a divisor and dividend stat
addStat("baseStat", "counter");
addStat("baseStat2", "snapshot");
addStat("myStat", "mean", {meanType: 'stat', divisorStat: 'baseStat', dividendStat: 'baseStat2');
recordStat('baseStat', 10);
recordStat('baseStat2', 50); // value is 50 / 10 = 25
recordStat("baseStat2", 30); // value is 30 / 10 = 3
recordStat("baseStat2", 20); // value is 20 / 10 = 2
recordStat("baseStat", 20); // value of baseStat is now 20, and value of myStat is now 1
recordStat("baseStat2", 40); // value is 40 / 20 = 2
Monitors multiple stats and calculates a value based on a provided calculation function
An array of stats to monitor. The calculation function will be invoked whenever any stat in the array is updatedcalcFunction
The calculation function, which takes two arguments:- stats: An array consisting of the names of the stats that are part of the calculation
- statsMap: an object containing the current value of each stat
if true, then does not reset the counter on flush. Defaults to false.
Sample calculated function
var calcFunction = function(stats, statsMap) {
return statsMap.stat1 * statsMap.stat2 / (statsMap.stat3 !== 0 ? statsMap.stat3 : 1);
addStat("stat1", "counter");
addStat("stat2", "min");
addStat("stat3", "snapshot");
addStat("calcStat, "calculated, {stats: ['stat1','stat2','stat3], calcFunction: calcFunction});
recordStat("stat1", 25); // value is 25 * null / 1 = null
recordStat("stat2", 10); // value is 25 * 10 / 1 = 200
recordStat("stat2", 15); // value is 25 * 10 / 1 = 200
recordStat("stat3": 25); // value is 25 * 10 / 25 = 10
The file backend flushes the stats to a file according to a specified string template.
Backend Options:
The full path to the log file to be written tooutputFormat
The format string used to write stats.
The outputFormat
template takes the name of the stat enclosed in {}. There are also special tags that can be used to output the time the stats were flushed:
outputs the date and time in human-readable formatlastFlushTimeUnix
outputs the unix timestamp
The StackDriver backend flushes the stats to StackDriver
Backend Options
The API Key for accessing the StackDriver stats submission APIsource
(optional) the name of the Amazon Instance ID to map the stats to, in the format i-XXXXXXXXstatsMap
A JSON object containing keys indicating the name of the stats in stats-logger, mapped to the values of StackDriver custom metrics