Stateful API mock server to manage responses of any external API from files
Stateful API mock server
Yet another API mock server. Why? Because it has to be simple and I didn't find a simple one in my case (independent api) based on directory file. It's mostly useful if your api use another api.
Just put a js/json file into a directory, start your server from your mocha/karma/etc and use the simple API to create your test cases.
- Independent mock server
- Totally stateful to facilitate unit tests
- Easy to use state API base on route paths
How to use
In your tests file
var ApiMockServer = require('stateful-api-mock-server');
var api = new ApiMockServer([options<object>]);
// write your tests case here
or with mocha
var ApiMockServer = require('stateful-api-mock-server');
var api = new ApiMockServer([options<object>]);
describe('[API]', function() {
before(function(done) {
return api.start(function() {
it('should do something', function() {
Endpoints to File directory
L users/
L get.json # 200 GET /users response
L get-404.json # 404 GET /users response
L :id/
L get.json # 200 GET /users/:id response
L post.json # 200 POST /users/:id response
L cars/
L get.json # 200 GET /cars response
L get-404.json # 404 GET /cars response
Use default case
It's possible to define common response in a _defaults
directory to avoid file duplication, like 404.
L _defaults
L get-404.json # 404 GET default response
L users/
L get.json # 200 GET /users response
L :id/
L get.json # 200 GET /users/:id response
L post.json # 200 POST /users/:id response
L cars/
L get.json # 200 GET /cars response
Change response state
Imagine this test case suite:
describe('api', function() {
it('should respond with a 200', function(done) {
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect(200, done);
Now you want to test the 404 case
describe('api', function() {
it('should respond with a 404', function(done) {
api.state.set('/users', 'GET', 404);
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.expect('Content-Type', /json/)
.expect(404, done);
/!\ Important! If you set a state to unknown construct file (like GET 403 and ./get-403 and /_defaults/get-403 does not exist) it will return 503 and log an error in your terminal
Finally you can reset all
describe('api', function() {
afterEach(function() {
Constructor API
Default values:
var api = new ApiMockServer({
port: 7000, // Port to launch mocked api
mockDir: 'tests/api-mocks', // Relative path to your mocks
State API
Set .set(Path<String>, Verb<String>, State<Number|String>)
Set a route to demanded state and set status response if State is a number.
// Return get-404.[ext] file and set
api.state.set('/users/:id', 'GET', 404);
// Return get-another.[ext] file and set status to 200
api.state.set('/users/:id', 'GET', 'another');
Get .get(Path<String>, Verb<String>)
Get a route state
api.state.get('/users/:id', 'GET');
Get All .getAll()
Get all route states
Reset .reset(Path<String>, Verb<String>)
Reset a state to 200
api.state.reset('/users/:id', 'GET');
Reset All .resetAll()
Reset all routes to 200
To debug you can filter on this domain: stateful-api-mock-server
For example
DEBUG=stateful-api-mock-server:* npm test
- [ ] Remove ext option