An app for mapping Toronto street art projects.
StreetARToronto Map
An app for mapping Toronto street art projects.
This app is built in React, a javascript library for user interfaces. We
use the create-react-app
development framework to have sensible defaults
and development practices that will be familiar to those familiar with React.
:hammer_and_wrench: Technologies Used
- Development
- Create React App. A development tool for easily bootstrapping and managing a ReactJS app with sensible defaults.
- Source Map Explorer. Analyze and debug bloat in bundled code.
- Heroku. Platform for easily deploying applications.
. Heroku buildpack for handling React apps like ours.- Review Apps. Creates a disposable Heroku app for each GitHub pull request.
- GitHub Actions. Runs scripts (aka tasks or actions grouped into workflows) in the cloud.
- App components
- Google Maps.
- Javascript API. For customized maps on webpages.
- Javascript.
- Google Maps.
For a full inventory of platforms & services used, see our Platform Inventory GDoc (:lock: privileged access only).
:computer: Local Development
npm install
Available Scripts
npm run analyze
Runs source-map-explorer
so that you can visualize what contributes to the size of your production build.
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint (code style) errors in the console.
npm run lint
Runs eslint
styling checks on our code. This helps ensure clean, readable
code that follow specific formatting conventions and can be checked easily.
npm test
Note: We are currently not writing tests, but plan to soon!
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
For general create-react-app
see the section about running tests.
npm run build
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed!
We run an automated script in the cloud via GitHub Actions that:
reads artwork data from our Airtable base,
converts it into GeoJSON, and
pushes any changes to a file on this repo's
:running_woman: This script runs every hour.
If the badge above is green, it's running successfully. Click the badge to see history of script runs.
Configuration of this script (aka workflow) happens in
(This script has its own README in scripts/airtable2geojson
We use Heroku for deployment. You can see the deployment pipeline here:
We auto-deploy master
branch for this GitHub repo to the staging environment:
The staging environment is manually promoted to production:
With proper privileges, this promotion can be done via the Heroku pipeline page:
Some environment variables (e.g., Google Analytics & Maps) use different
credentials in the production vs staging/development environments. These are
set in the Heroku UI, but see .env.heroku.*
and app.json
files for
For general create-react-app
see the section about deployment.
We have the ability to monitor usage of individual features with Google Analytics events, to understand what's valuable. We keep a separate production account so as not to clutter up data during testing.
External Resources
- GDoc: Platform Inventory