JSON transformer with asynchronous converters
Deprecated in favour of AC/DC
Asynchronous JSON transformation
npm install starscream --save
var starscream = require('starscream')
var original = {
source: {
path: "robots in disguise"
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: {
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/source/path"
transformer: {
type: "uppercase"
writer: {
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "destination/path"
starscream(options, original, function(err, transformed) {
assert.equal(transformed.destination.path, 'ROBOTS IN DISGUISE')
Mapping Shorthand (Array Based)
var options = {
mapping: [
Reads the value at /source/path/a
in the original document, and writes it to /source/path/a
in the transformed document
var options = {
mapping: [{
"/source/path/a": "/destination/path/a"
Reads the value at /source/path/a
in the original document, and writes it to /destination/path/a
in the transformed document
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: "/source/path/a",
transformer: "uppercase",
writer: "/destination/path/a"
}, {
reader: "/source/path/b",
transformer: "uppercase",
writer: "/destination/path/b"
Reads the value at /source/path/a
in the original document, transforms it to uppercase, and writes it to /destination/path/a
in the transformed document
Mapping Shorthand (Object Based)
var options = {
mapping: {
"/source/path/a": "/destination/path/a",
"/source/path/b": "/destination/path/b"
Reads the value at /source/path/a
in the original document, and writes it to /destination/path/a
in the transformed document
var options = {
mapping: {
"/source/path/a": {
transformer: "uppercase"
"/source/path/b": {
transformer: "lowercase"
Reads the value at /source/path/a
in the original document, transforms it to uppercase, and writes it to /source/path/a
in the transformed document
var options = {
mapping: {
"/source/path/a": {
transformer: "uppercase",
writer: "/destination/path/a"
"/source/path/b": {
transformer: "lowercase",
writer: "/destination/path/b"
Reads the value at /source/path/a
in the original document, transforms it to uppercase, and writes it to /destination/path/b
in the transformed document
Using multiple sources for a single mapping
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: {
type: "serial",
reader": [{
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/source/path/a"
}, {
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/source/path/b"
writer": {
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/destination/path"
Reads the values at /source/path/a
and /source/path/b
in the original document, and inserts them as an array into the transformed document at '/desination/path'
var options = {
mapping: [{
reade": {
type: "serial",
reader: [
writer: {
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/destination/path"
The same shorthand rules apply
Aggregating Transformers
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: {
type: "serial",
readers: [{
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/source/path/a"
}, {
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/source/path/b"
transformer: {
type: "concatenate",
separator: "_"
writer: {
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/destination/path"
Reads the values at /source/path/a
and /source/path/b
from the original document, combines them with a underscore (_
) and writes them to /destination/path
in the transformed document
Chaining Transformers
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: "/source/path"
transformer: {
type: "serial",
transformers: [{
type: "uppercase"
}, {
type: "prefix",
text: "foo-"
writer": {
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/destination/path"
Reads the values at /source/path
in the original document, transforms it to uppercase, adds the foo-
prefix and writes it to /destination/path
in the transformed document
You can iterate over arrays using the mapSeries
"reader": "/source/path",
"transformer": {
"type": "mapSeries",
"transformer": "uppercase"
"writer": "/destination/path"
Reads the array at /source/path
and transforms each element to upper case before writing the array to /destination/path
Out of the box readers
jsonPointer (default)
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: {
"path": "/source/path"
"ignoreMissing": "true"
writer: "/destination/path"
Reads the value at /source/path
. If the path is missing and ignoreMissing is false (the defult) return undefined instead of erroring
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: {
"type": "property",
"path": "source.path",
"ignoreMissing": "true"
writer: "/destination/path"
Reads the value at source.path
. If the path is missing and ignoreMissing is false (the defult) return undefined instead of erroring
Writers of the box readers
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: {
writer: {
"path": "/destination/path",
"ignoreMissing": "true"
Writes the value to /destination/path
. If the value is undefined and ignoreMissing is true (the default) will not write anything, otherwise writes the value as undefined
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: "/source/path"
writer: {
"type": "property",
"path": "destination.path",
"ignoreMissing": "true"
Writes the value to /destination/path
. If the value is undefined and ignoreMissing is true (the default) will not write anything, otherwise writes the value as undefined
Out of the box transformers
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: "/source/path"
transformer: {
"type": "mapSeries",
"transformer": "uppercase"
writer: "/destination/path"
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: "/source/path"
transformer: "toggle",
writer: "/destination/path"
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: "/source/path"
transformer: "uppercase",
writer: "/destination/path"
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: "/source/path"
transformer: "lowercase",
writer: "/destination/path"
var options = {
mapping: [{
readers: [
transformer: "mutualExclusion",
writer: "/destination/path"
Writes either /source/path/a
or /source/path/b
(with preference for a)
var options = {
mapping: [{
readers: [
transformer: "mutualExclusion",
writer: "/destination/path"
Writes /source/path/b
if /source/path/a
is truthy
var options = {
mapping: [{
readers: [
transformer: "mutualExclusion",
writer: "/destination/path"
Writes /source/path/b
if /source/path/a
is falsey
Custom Transformers
var options = {
mapping: [{
reader: "/source/path"
transformer: {
type: "dbLookup",
collection: "refdata"
writer: {
type: "jsonPointer",
path: "/destination/path"
transformers: {
dbLookup: function(config, value, cb) {
db.collections(config.collection).findOne({ code: value }, cb)
Reads the value at /source/path
in the original document, and cross references it an item of refdata. The same mechanism can be used for writing your own readers and writers too.