Token Kit is a Starknet Chain kit for all tokens. It provides a modal that returns the tokens available in starknet and also has a contract to store all the given tokens. It is easier to integrate to your project lets say a swapping platform.
Starknet Tokenkit
Starknet Tokenkit is a package that provides quick access to tokens in a modal format or you can interact with the contract to read the different tokens using the contract address and the abi.
Also you can add your own token by visiting the landing page: Tokenkit
- This is tested on React.
Linking the Tokenkit Wrapper
To use Tokenkit, its pretty easy, first you import the TokenKitWrapper
and wrap your entire app with it.
import { TokenKitWrapper } from 'starknet-tokenkit'
import 'starknet-tokenkit/dist/index.css' // Remember to import styling, otherwise, everything will fail
network: 'SN_MAIN' | 'SN_SEPOLIA' -> Both are fully supported
sepoliaNodeURL: string
mainnetNodeURL: string
const App = (props: any) => {
const { children } = props
return (
export default App
Creating a custom component that will be used to show the selected token.
Create a preview component or a component that can be wrapped with the token modal. This component will help show the selected token and also it will act as a button to open the modal.
import { Box, Group, Avatar, Stack, Text } from "@mantine/core"
// This can be any component, just a component to be wrapped with `SelectTokenModal` Component
const MyCustomTokenPreviewComponent = (props: any) => {
const { token } = props
return (
<Box p={'sm'} style={{
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)',
borderRadius: '10px',
cursor: 'pointer'
<Group gap={6} align="center">
<Avatar src={token?.icon}>
{limitChars(token?.symbol ?? 'ST', 2, false)}
token ? (
<Stack gap={2}>
<Text size="sm" fw={500}>{token?.name}</Text>
<Text size="xs">{token?.symbol}</Text>
) : <Text>Select Token</Text>
Creating the modals styling object
Remember to use all the keys given here with different colors to match your overal project theme.
const stylingObject = {
r: "20px",
textColor: "white",
headerFooterBg: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.28)",
backgroundColor: "#06a5a3",
fontFamily: "Space Grotesk, sans-serif",
searchBackground: "rgba(151, 244, 238, 0.46)",
searchColor: "white",
searchBorderColor: "rgba(14, 6, 46, 0)",
searchFocusBorderColor: "rgba(151, 244, 238, 1)",
primaryColor: "rgba(0, 97, 91, 1)"
Creating the Select Token component
Create a select token component to be put as a child of Tokenkit wrapper. Since Tokenkit wrapper wraps your entire app, you can simply use the component below in any page.
Make the component reusable so you don't have to create different components to achieve the same. That is, you can move the call back function and selectedToken as props and therefore you can reuse the component with a different token and call back function.
import { SelectTokenModal, IToken } from "starknet-tokenkit"
import { useState } from "react"
selectedToken - This is the selected token for this particular component. It can be null or undefined.
callBackFunc - a callback function that will be called once one clicks ona given token. This callback function takes in IToken(token). ie function myFunc = (token: IToken) => {* Perforom your logic here *}
stylingObject - This is an object with different variables that will style the modal. Use the keys as are given in the above object.
const SelectToken = () => {
const [token, setToken] = useState<IToken>()
return (
<MyCustomTokenPreviewComponent token={token} />
export default SelectToken
Usage of component on a given Page
Finally, use the SelectToken
component in one of your pages. You can make the SelectToken
component as reusable as possible so as to be able to use it in different places with different callback functions.
import SelectToken from './SelectToken'
const SwapPage = () => {
return (
<SelectToken />
Using the SelectTokenContainer
Select token container allows to embed the modal in a page. This can be used in instances that you don't intend to use a modal.
For this case, an example usage is what we have used above where we create a theme for our modal.
selectedToken={SelectedToken} // Pass a selected token as when creating a modal
callBackFunc={setSelectedToken} // Pass a call back function that will update the selected token
themeObject={stylingObject} // Pass in the styling object
modalHeight="700px" // Always pass the height.
Extra helpful functions
This package also provides other few functions that can be used in differente scenarios ie
import {
} from 'starknet-tokenkit'
bigintToLongAddress(val: bigIntAddress) - This takes in an address in BigInt format and converts it to an address.
bigintToShortStr(val: felt252) - This takes in those fields you saved as felt252s, this means like short strings. It will convert it to a readable string.
limitChars(val: string, charsCount: number, has_dots: boolean) - This method helps in shortening a string to a given number of characters and whether you want it to have those 3 dots or not.
convertToReadableTokens(tokens: number|string, decimals: number) - This method takes in the tokens count and the decimals for that token and returns a readable token number.