This is a simple 3D staircase animation created using JavaScript and CSS.
3D Staircase Animation This is a simple 3D staircase animation created using JavaScript and CSS. The animation is implemented in a single index.js file, and the styling is defined in styles.css. The staircase consists of a specified number of steps, each with a set width, height, and depth. The steps are arranged to create a 3D effect using CSS transformations.
Usage To use this animation, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine. Open the index.html file in a web browser. Customization You can customize the staircase animation by adjusting the following parameters in the index.js file:
steps: The number of steps in the staircase. stepWidth: The width of each step. stepHeight: The height of each step. stepDepth: The depth of each step. stepSpacing: The spacing between each step. Modify these parameters according to your preferences to create different staircase designs.
Demo You can view a live demo of the 3D staircase animation here (replace "#" with the actual link to your demo).
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.