Just another infrastructure abstraction layer.
Just another infrastructure abstraction layer.
Stackbridge allows you to define your AWS resources once. Use the same resource objects you create to deploy and interact with using via the SDK.
npm install stackbridge
Supported resources
- SNS Topics
- Lambda Functions
- S3 Buckets
Creating a StackBridge Instance
A stackbridge instance contains the AWS Environment specific parameters required to deploy and interact with resources.
const stack: StackBridge = new StackBrdige({
account: "123456789",
region: "us-east-1",
environment: "staging"
Creating an S3 Bucket
const bucket: Bucket = stack.Bucket("my-unique-bucket-name");
Putting object to bucket
JSON.stringify({"object_content", "foobar"})
Getting object from bucket
const object = bucket.getObject("/key/path")
Creating an SNS Topic
interface CoolPayload {
event: string
const topic = stack.SNS<CoolPayload>("topic-name1");
Publishing a topic
"event" : "foobar"
Creating a simple NodeJS Lambda
const lambda: Lambda = stack.Lambda.pathLambda(
Event Based Lambdas
You can create event based lambdas that have built in functionality to handle the specific event or payload they are expected to recieve.
SNS Lambda
To create an SNS lambda, create a new class that extends SNSLambda and define you handler function. The payload interface that is expected to be recieved should match the one defined in the SNS Topic object that the lambda will be subscribed to.
export class CoolSNSLambda extends SNSLambda<CoolPayload> {
public async handler (
event: SNSEvent): Promise<any> {
const campaign: CoolPayload = this.getPayload(event)
return campaign
will return a serialized payload from the standard string format that is received in the SNS Event. If you require more complex serialization you can provide a serializer function to your class:
export class CoolSNSLambda extends SNSLambda<CoolPayload> {
protected serializer = (stringPayload: string): CoolPayload => {
const json = JSON.parse(stringPayload)
json.message = json.message === 'bar' ? json.message : 'foobar'
return json
public async handler (
event: SNSEvent): Promise<any> {
const campaign: CoolPayload = this.getPayload(event)
return campaign
Then create your lambda:
import { CoolSNSLambda } from .
const lambda: Lambda = stack.Lambda.snsLambda('my_cool_lambda', CoolSNSLambda)
Subscribing a Topic to a Lambda Functions
Allow Lambda to Read & Write a bucket
Grant Lambda AWS Managed Policy
Simply create any ts file in your project that defines or imports any stack resources created through your app.
Import your StackBridge instance and define all deployable resources and export the deploy function.
# import resources and StackBridge instance
import { deploy } from "stackbridge";
buckets: [bucket],
topics: [topic],
lambdas: [lambda]
export default deploy(stack);
On your first deploy you may need to run cdk bootstrap
cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT-NUMBER/REGION-1
To create a differential
npx stackbridge diff ./src/sbstack.ts (or your export location)
To synthesize a template
npx stackbridge synth ./src/sbstack.ts
To deploy the stack
npx stackbridge deploy ./src/sbstack.ts
Running the environment locally
You can run your stack locally using localstack. It requires docker to be running on your system. If you want to run locally you must define your StackBridge instance as follows:
const stack: StackBridge = new StackBrdige({
account: "000000000000",
region: "us-east-1",
Install Localstack and cdklocal
pip install localstack
npm install -g aws-cdk-local aws-cdk
Start Localstack
SERVICES=lambda,sns,s3 localstack start
Boostrap your local environment
cdklocal bootstrap aws://000000000000/us-east-1
Deploy your stack locally
cdklocal deploy --app "npx ts-node src/sbstack.ts"